The cultivation of freshwater pearls

Pearl has been regarded as a treasure since ancient times. It is dazzling, crystal clear and beautiful. It is a precious ornament and medicinal material. It is also an important material for the export of famous Chinese products.
China's freshwater pearl aquaculture industry has been developing rapidly since 1958, when it was successfully tested by the Zhanjiang Fisheries Academy. Production has also been rising. At present, China's artificial breeding of freshwater pearls ranks first in the world. As the cultured pearls are small in investment, high in yield, easier to master because of technology, and can be used for polyculture at the same time, they are particularly suitable for rural collectives and individual specialized households. It is believed that pearl aquaculture will have even greater development in the near future.
First, the formation and development of pearl cultivation technology
(a) to form an overview
1. The artificial breeding technology for pearl acquisition was gradually formed and developed after people gained enlightenment and understanding in the process of harvesting natural pearls. China is one of the oldest countries in which natural pearls are collected. Song Yingxing (1637) has provided detailed information on the pearl mining tools, methods, improvement, and utilization in the “Heavenly Creations”. The history of mining pearls in Australia is also relatively long, and industry production has been formed as early as 1860-1870. Sri Lanka is also the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean." Among the pearling practitioners in the world, the Indian Ocean accounts for 1/4 of the total, while Sri Lanka accounts for 1/5 of them. In addition, Myanmar, the Philippines, and other Southeast Asian regions, the mining industry is also more developed. Judging from the speed of development, Japan ranks first in the world.
Although the pearl mining industry has continued from ancient times to the present, due to the constant changes in water quality, hydrology and other factors, the rate of pearl collection in many regions has so far been less than 1%. However, the formation and development of capture operations have laid a foundation for understanding the formation of natural pearls and artificial breeding of pearls.
2. In the report published in 1987 by Dr. Yoshihisa Ginko of Japan, he pointed out: "The earliest countries in the world who use artificial methods to culture pearls are China." As early as the 13th century, China used tin to cast a hemisphere into a model of a Buddha, and inserted it into the shell between the auricles of the dorsal horn and created the world-famous Buddha-like pearl. 600 years later, Japan's Mikimoto took advantage of this principle to produce round beaded beads. Since then, Western European countries have successively launched artificial cultured pearl production. It can be seen that China has played an extremely important role in the formation and development of the pearl aquaculture industry.
(b) Development Profile
1. The development of the pearl aquaculture industry has been improved with the deepening of the understanding of the value of pearls, especially the further deepening of the research work. Ancient and modern times, almost all of them use pearls as ornaments, and the proportion of medicinal pearls is very small. As a decoration (craft) pearl, you must have the following elements:
(1) The formation of artificially cultured pearls in terms of process value, in terms of process value, are round, semicircular, drop-shaped, oval, oval, button-shaped, dome-shaped, bridge-shaped, ring-shaped, and 3/. 4 or 1/2-shaped shell beads, which are round beads for the top grade. To obtain pearls with process value, production practices from more than two decades have proved that the technical level of surgical operations is the key to determining the shape of beads. According to the statistics of literature and literature, in the same area, under the same ecological conditions, different operating technology levels, the ratio of produced beads can vary by 20-45%. Therefore, in recent years, all localities have attached great importance to the assessment of planting operators in order to ensure product quality, especially in the form of pearls.
(2) Colors and luster Pearls are divided into white, pink, yellow, gold, and dark colors (blue, green, and purple). In general, a light, shiny luster is preferred by Asians.
In the production practice, people summed up three experiences of “species, water, and pipe”, which are the key to adjusting and controlling color and luster. At the same time, it also explored some effective technical measures. Therefore, it can be said that with the development of modern science, artificial natural color grading technology is constantly adding new content, and is also beginning to move toward the practical stage.
2, improve the technical level
(1) Research status According to incomplete statistics, there have been 62 papers officially published in the research in the past two decades. Most of them are conclusions of productive experiments. These research results have undoubtedly played a positive role in improving the technology of breeding beads. However, judging from the analysis of the law of cultivating pearls, there are still some limitations. Compared with foreign countries, there is still a certain gap.
(2) Technology level Since China began to form large-scale production, although the production has been promoted due to the popularization of technology, the proportion of high-quality pearls is still hovering around 10%, and the emergence of a large number of inferior beads indicates that the current quotation is artificial. The level of technology for breeding beads is not high enough. In addition, there is a wide gap in the level of technology across the country, so the development is not balanced. Therefore, the current urgent task is to continuously improve the level of pearl-cultivation technology, strengthen scientific research work, and make China's pearl production develop in a virtuous direction.
Second, the biological basis and the principle of pearl formation
(a) The biological basis of earthworms
1. Types of pearl oysters There are more than 100 species of oysters that have been found in China. However, the most widely used oysters in production are the most valuable ones. These two types of cockroaches are rich in resources, easy to operate, and have high pearl yields and high quality, especially for kayaking.

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