Platycodon grandiflorum cultivation techniques

Campanulaceae also known as big medicine, commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, hi cool and moist environment. The requirement for soil quality is not strict, but it is better for cultivation in neutral soils rich in phosphorus and potassium.

Site preparation

Choose sunny, seven deep slopes or well-drained plains, sandy soil, loam, or humus. Apply 4000 kg of fertilizer per acre as the base fertilizer, deep plowing 30-40 cm. Make it smooth and make it 1.2 to 1.5 meters.

Timely sowing

The seed selection is mainly based on seed selection, but it should be noted that the seeds of the annual Campanulaceae knot are commonly called “doll types”, are thin and small, light in color, have low seedling emergence, and have weak seedlings and low yield, while the seeds of the two-year-old platycodon are large and full. The color is deep, the seedling emergence rate is high, the plant growth is fast, and the yield is high. The general yield is 30% higher than the "doll species".

Seed treatment Place the seeds in warm water of 50°C~60°C, stir constantly, and float mud, glutinous rice seeds, and other impurities. Wait until the water is cool, then soak for 12 hours, or soak with 0.3% potassium permanganate solution. 12 hours, can increase the germination rate.

The sowing time can be autumn sowing, winter sowing and spring sowing, but it is better to use 9-10 autumn sowing. The autumn sowing has emerged in the same year and the growth period is long. The result rate and root thickness are obviously higher than those in next spring sowing.

Seeding method is generally used live, but also transplanting seedlings. The live broadcast production is higher than transplanting, and the rooting is small and the quality is good. The use of drills in the production of more: In the surface area by row spacing 20 to 25 cm open ditch, deep 4 to 5 cm, broadcast amplitude 10 cm. In order to make the seed broadcast evenly, 2 to 3 times fine soil or fine sand can be used to mix and sow, and then cover fire ash or cover soil 2 cm. Live 750 to 1000 grams per acre, nursery 350 to 500 grams per acre.

Field management

Miao Miao Miao seedlings when the height of 2 cm appropriate thin seedlings, seedling height 3 to 4 cm Dingmiao seedlings, seedlings from a distance of 10 cm left a strong seedlings. Filling seedlings and seedlings can be carried out at the same time.

Cultivated and weed-killed because the early growth of Campanulaceae is slow, so weeding should be done in time, usually 3 times. The first time the seedling height is 7-10 cm, it will be carried out for the second time after one month and the third time for another month to try to achieve it. Remove the grass.

Fertilizer management from June to September is the growing season of Platycodon grandiflorum. In late June and July, plant growth should be timely and topdressing. Fertilizer is mainly human and animal feces, with a small amount of phosphate fertilizer and urea. Whether it is live broadcast or nursery transplanting, it should be watered during drought. In the rainy season, the water in the fields is very prone to rot. The drainage should be noted.

When the seedlings were 10 cm high, the seedlings were planted for 2 years to increase the seed number and seed plumpness of the fruit and increase the seed yield. The annual or biennial non-retention plants are all deflowered to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the growth of underground roots. Spraying 1 ml/liter of ethephon at full flowering time can basically achieve flower removal purposes, and the yield is 45% higher than that of sprayers.

Pest Control

Ringworm disease and sheath blight mainly damage the leaves, and it can be sprayed with 1:1∶100 Bordeaux mixture or 50% carbendazim 1000 times.

The root of pseudo-A is harmed and can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution or 50% phoxim 1000 times solution from May to June larvae.

Aphids and spider mite pests seedlings and leaves can be used 40% Dimethoate Emulsion 1500-2000 times or 80% Dichlorvos Emulsion 1500 times, sprayed once every 10 days.

Cuscuta can spread in large areas in the Platycodon grandiflora, and can pull off all the stems of Cuscuta chinensis. When the damage is severe, even the plants of the Platycodon grandiflora are pulled out together, and buried deeply or concentratedly.

In addition, there are crickets, tigers and earthworms, etc., can be used to trap and kill poisonous baits.

Harvesting and processing

When planting leaves for two years or the autumn of transplanting, when the leaves are wilting, they can be excavated and the stems and leaves and the head of the reeds can be cut off. After the roots are washed, they are soaked in water and freshly wiped off with bamboo or glass. Rough, washed, dried or dried with anthracite.

Seed-keeping technology

The flowering period of the balloon is longer, and the fruit ripening period is very inconsistent. When planting, the plants of the second year should be selected. In the middle and early September, the weak lateral branches and the softer inflorescence at the top should be cut off so that the nutrition can be concentrated in the upper central fruits. When the pods turn yellow in October, they are collected in batches in stages. When harvesting, it should be cut with fruit stems and branches together. After being used for 3 to 4 days, it should be placed in an indoor ventilated place. Then it should be sun dried and threshed. After removing the seeds and impurities, it should be stored for future use. Mature fruits are easily cracked, causing the seeds to be scattered, so they should be harvested in time.

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