Fertilizer basic knowledge

1. Classification according to fertilizer efficiency (1) Available fertilizer This chemical fertilizer is applied to the soil and then dissolved in the soil solution and absorbed by the crop. The effect is fast. Most of the nitrogen fertilizers, general phosphorus phosphates, potassium sulfate, and potassium chloride are all available fertilizers. Fast-acting fertilizers are generally used as top dressings and can also be used as base fertilizers.
(2) Slow-effect fertilizers are also called long-acting fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers. The compound or physical state of these nutrient fertilizers can be slowly released for a period of time for continuous absorption and utilization by the plants. That is, after these nutrients are applied to the soil, It is difficult to immediately dissolve the soil solution. After a short time of transformation, it can be dissolved and the fertilizer effect can be seen. However, the fertilizer effect is relatively persistent. The release of nutrients in the fertilizer is completely determined by natural factors and is not artificially controlled, such as calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, Steel slag phosphate, phosphate rock powder, dicalcium phosphate, defluorinated phosphate fertilizer, magnesium ammonium phosphate, calcium metaphosphate, etc., some organic compounds are urea formaldehyde, butylene diurea, isobutylene diurea, oxamide, melamine, etc. There are some additives (such as nitrification inhibitors, urease inhibition, etc.) or coated fertilizers, the former such as long-acting urea, and the latter as sulphur-containing urea are listed as slow-acting fertilizers, wherein the long-acting ammonium bicarbonate is ammonium bicarbonate. Ammonia stabilizer was added to the production system to extend the fertility period from 30-45 days to 90-110 days, and the nitrogen utilization rate was increased from 25% to 35%. Slow-release fertilizers are often used as base fertilizers.
(3) Controlled-release fertilizers Controlled-release fertilizers are slow-acting fertilizers, which means that the nutrient release rate, quantity, and time of fertilizers are artificially designed. It is a type of special-purpose fertilizer whose nutrient releasing power is controlled to make it grow with crops. The nutrient requirements match during the period. For example, the nutrients that are required to match with 50 days of vegetables, 100 days of rice, 300 days of bananas, etc., and in each growth period (the seedling stage, development period, and maturity period) are not the same. The factors controlling release of nutrients are generally affected by soil moisture, temperature, pH, and the like. The most convenient means of controlled release is the coating method. Different coating materials, the thickness of the coating, and the opening rate of the film can be selected to control the release rate.
2. Classification according to acid and alkali properties (1) Acidic chemical fertilizers Acidic fertilizers can be further divided into two types. One is chemically acidic. Its aqueous solution is acidic, such as normal calcium phosphate, and the other is acidic. It is in aqueous solution. Neutral, but after being applied to the soil, part of it is absorbed by the crop, and another part is left in the soil and is acidic, such as ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, and potassium sulfate.
(2) Alkaline chemical fertilizer Alkaline fertilizer is divided into two types, one is chemical alkalinity, and its aqueous solution is alkaline reaction, such as liquid ammonia, ammonia, etc. The other is physiological alkalinity. Its aqueous solution is neutral, but part of the solution that has not been absorbed by the crop remains alkaline after it is applied to the soil, such as sodium nitrate and calcium nitrate.
(3) Neutral Chemical Fertilizers Neutral fertilisers are neither acidic nor alkaline and do not show acidic or basic properties when applied to soil. So it can be applied to any soil, such as urea.
3. According to the types of nutrients contained (1) Unit chemical fertilizer refers to only one of the three main nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, also known as single fertilizer, such as ammonium sulfate only contains nitrogen, general calcium phosphate only contains phosphorus Potassium sulfate contains only potassium.
(2) Multiple chemical fertilizer refers to two or more of the three main nutrients contained in chemical fertilizers, such as ammonium phosphate containing nitrogen and phosphorus.
(3) Complete chemical fertilizer means that the fertilizer contains various nutrients required for the growth and development of the crop.
4. Classification by Form (1) Solid Fertilizer A solid fertilizer in the form of crystals, granules or powder is produced in the factory, which is suitable for the agricultural technology level of our country in terms of packaging, transportation and application.
(2) Liquid fertilizers Liquid fertilizers such as liquid ammonia, ammonia, solution fertilizers, and colloidal fertilizers can be made in the factory. They can be used both in the rhizosphere and in the foliar fertilizers. Their production costs are low, but they need to be The corresponding storage and application equipment is suitable for mechanized farmland. In particular, sustainable agricultural development is suitable for the requirements of water-saving agriculture in China.
(3) The gas fertilizer crops are in prosperous and maturation stages, especially for facility agriculture (such as solar greenhouses, plastic greenhouses, etc.). Since the space inside the greenhouses is closed, carbon dioxide cannot be supplemented and the photosynthesis of crops is hindered. In addition to temperature- and humidity-controlled facilities, there is also an automatic generator of carbon dioxide, which supplements carbon dioxide in time. For example, an average of 5 supplements per quintile will increase crop yields by 50% and up to 200%. China's plastic greenhouses like to use ammonium bicarbonate, in addition to nitrogen fertilizer, but also add carbon dioxide.
5. According to the main role of classification (1) direct chemical fertilizer refers directly to fertilizer as a source of crop nutrients, such as nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and trace fertilizer.
(2) Indirect chemical fertilizers refer to fertilizers that are primarily aimed at improving soil physical, chemical, and physiological properties, such as gypsum, lime, and bacterial fertilizers.
(3) Hormones Chemical fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that have a stimulating effect on crop growth, such as humic acid fertilizers.
6. According to fertilization time classification (1) base fertilizer refers to meet the nutrient requirements of crops throughout the reproductive period, fertilizer applied before sowing or before planting, also known as base fertilizer.
(2) Fertilizer refers to the fertilizer that is applied to meet the special requirements for nutrients at different growth stages of the crop to supplement the deficiency of the base fertilizer.
(3) Fertilizer refers to fertilizer that meets the nutrient requirements at the seedling stage of the crop, and is sown or sprinkled with the seed at the time of sowing. In the method of sticking roots when planting, the fertilizer used is also fertilizer.
7. According to the requirements and the use of the classification (1) the main nutrient-differentiating fertilizer such as nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer.
(2) Fertilizers such as calcium, magnesium, and sulphur are used as fertilizers for differentiating differentiated fertilizers.
(3) Micronutrient-differentiated fertilizers such as boron fertilizer, zinc fertilizer, copper fertilizer, iron fertilizer, molybdenum fertilizer, etc.
(4) Ultra-micro fertilizers such as rare earth fertilizers.
There are other categories according to the crop growth period, such as seedlings, return green manure, jointing fertilizer, panicle fertilizer, etc.; classified by fertilization site, such as root fertilizer, leaf fat and so on.
(I) Advantages and Disadvantages of Chemical Fertilizers
1. Advantages of Chemical Fertilizer From the point of view of nutrient recycling, the nutrients contained in all organic fertilizers are nutrients that are already within the agricultural cycle. The main advantage of chemical fertilizers is that it can increase the total amount of nutrients in the agricultural cycle.
(1) High urea nitrogen content is 46%, ammonium nitrate is 34%, and calcium phosphate is 14%-18%. The pure manure contains only 0.4-0.5% nitrogen and phosphorus 0.2-0.35%. 1Kg of ammonium sulfate is equivalent to 30-40kg of human waste, 1kg of calcium phosphate is equivalent to 60-80Kg of fertilizer, and 1Kg of potassium sulfate is equivalent to 10kg of plant ash. Therefore, the use of chemical fertilizers per unit area is small, which facilitates transportation and saves labor.
(2) Fast Fertilizer Fertilizers are water-soluble or weakly acid-soluble. They can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the crops after they are applied to the soil. They have a rapid and significant fertilizer effect. After growing short crops, nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate will flourish.
(3) Rich raw material production Fertilizer is made from natural mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, phosphate rock, etc. These raw materials are abundant and can be mined in large quantities.
(4) Adoption of industrialized production Due to the abundant raw materials for production of chemical fertilizers, large-scale industrial production can be carried out, which is not limited by the season, and has a large output and low cost.
(5) Save on transportation and labor. Fertilizer has high nutrient content and less consumption, so the cost and labor spent on transportation and application are saved.
(6) It is easy to store and can store fertilizer for a long time. Compared with farmhouse fertilizer, it has small volume and stable nutrients. They are easy to preserve, have a long shelf life and are not easily degraded.
(7) Multiple performances Some fertilizers not only provide crop nutrients, but also improve stress resistance and pest control. Lime nitrogen can be used as a defoliant for cotton to prevent schistosomiasis diseases; liquid ammonia and ammonia water can kill insect pests such as earthworms in fields.
2. The weaknesses of chemical fertilizers (1) Insufficient nutrients Fertilizer nutrients are not as complete as farmyard fertilizers. General fertilizers do not contain organic matter, and their composition is relatively single, containing only one or two or three nutrients. Even if the compound fertilizer can increase a variety of nutrients, it is difficult to achieve the comprehensive nature of farmer's fertilizer.
(2) Limitations of fertilizers have limitations on soils and crops, that is, their applicability. The use of chemical fertilizers must be selected in order to obtain a satisfactory result, otherwise things will be counterproductive. Ammonium chloride can not be used in tobacco, sugar beet, sugar cane and other chlorine crops, lime nitrogen should not be used for alkaline soil.
(3) Pay attention to methods of applying chemical fertilizers High concentrations of chemical fertilizers, large solubility, if used improperly, are likely to cause harm. If seeds or roots are directly contacted, seeds can easily be burned; if they are used improperly, they can also cause greediness.

At present, China is paying attention to quantity and quality in the production and use of chemical fertilizers to meet the needs of sustainable development. In addition, even when the amount and variety of chemical fertilizers have reached a considerable level, farmyard fertilizers are still an important and necessary source of fertilizer in agriculture. Farmers' fertilizers and chemical fertilizers should be promoted to complement each other and complement each other.
III. Other Fertilizers (1) Physical Fertilizers Physical fertilizer refers to the transfer of energy through physical means without chemical means, such as electricity, sound, light, magnetism, etc. It is also referred to as "physical fertilizer" for crop growth.
1, "electric fertilizer"
Experiments have shown that weak currents through the soil can accelerate the germination of the crop's seeds and enhance photosynthesis, thereby increasing crop yields. The growth period of cucumbers and tomatoes grown on artificial electric fields was significantly shortened and the yield increased by 4 times.
2, "sound fat"
Acoustic waves are energy that stimulate crops and accelerate growth. Acoustic waves at different wavelengths adapt to different crops. As reported by foreign countries, scientists use music to stimulate crop growth. The United States is known as "music fertilizer."
3, "light fertilizer"
Some crops are irradiated with specific wavelengths of light, not only promoting growth, but also improving the nutrient content of the crop product. If different light-transmitting plastic films are used to speed up crop growth, such as converting the ultraviolet rays in the sun into orange light, the yield of cucumbers and tomatoes can be increased by 50%. Using a laser to irradiate seeds and seedlings can increase germination rate, accelerate growth, and enhance photosynthesis, making the crop earlier and more productive.
4, "Magnetic Fertilizer"
For example, in some countries, water flows through magnetic fields into magnetized water, which is used to treat seeds, seedlings, promote rapid seed germination, seedlings, and seedlings, increase fertilizer absorption and photosynthesis during growth, and increase crop yields by 20%--30. %. Another example is that the powdered material (coal ash, iron slag, etc.) loaded with seed magnets is magnetically acted as a "magnetic fertilizer," and the soil can be applied to increase the yield of the crop.

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