Chinese herbal medicine processing experience

                Chinese herbal medicine processing experience

1 cut medicine pieces are well cut, the size of the file is different, the thickness is divided, the method is skillful. The medicinal materials must be pure, less foamy and more moist, and the drug should be permeable. The key is water-based, the texture is soft or hard, the categories are finely divided, and the amount of draught is mastered. The pieces are thick, the kung fu is cutting, the roots are thick and thin, and there are blocks and nozzles. The whole grass is cut into sections, and the skin is cut. Cut the scutellaria, boiled or boiled, use charcoal to stop bleeding, stir fry on the wine. White peony and red peony, roots and skins are removed, the water head is firmly grasped, and the thin film is highly effective. The jaundice is loose, the water is cut into thick slices, the oysters are taken away, and the candied fruit is fried. Angelica cuts the pieces, the whole body is subdivided, broken and different, and the wine is used for blood circulation. Atractylodes hard texture, soaked and reprocessed, fried coke spleen and stomach, dampness should be used.

2 Chinese medicine is very good, the heat is very important, and the fire in the text is moderate. Decoction pieces should be pure, the nature of the medicine is clear, the size is divided into grades, the fire must be separated, not as solid and no work, too much damage, the fried yellow can not be coke, the charcoal is not charcoal, the charcoal is required to be stored, the ash can not be used. Everyone needs to be fried, and the medicine must be smashed, in order to achieve the effect of the medicine. Wang does not stay in the line, first wash it with water, stir-fry to burst white flowers, and enter the medicine to play miraculous effects. Jujube first goes to the nucleus, which is hidden in the scorpion, and then fried in the pot, the detoxification method is good. The ground is fried into charcoal, the fire is the key, Mars is going to be exhausted, and the speculation is seen. Puhuang is easy to relax, and charcoal must be done. It must be a fire-fighting star, and it will stop bleeding. Ejiao fried with surgery, simmered powder first cooked, hot to its drum, sieve powder to leave beads. Eucommia wants to fry charcoal, the open flame breaks the wire, the Mars is completely destroyed, and the quality goes through. Fresh ginger can sweat, dry ginger must be sliced, cannon ginger cut into segments, stop bleeding to stir charcoal. Braised atractylodes, first fry wheat bran, stir-fry to white smoke, white aroma pot, the surface color becomes darker, sieve bran cool white surgery.

3 炙 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄Yuan Huo vinegar is good, the effect of analgesic is high, first the vinegar is exhausted, and then the pan is fried. Frankincense and myrrh, fried to black smoke, the surface is bright, vinegar sputum swollen. Pangolin is a cannon, the size of the nail is divided into small pieces, the oil sand is fried and simmered, and the vinegar is quenched and dried. Turtle plate armor bubble, rotten meat to be removed, simmered in oil sand, vinegar quenching is very important. Refining the candied licorice, the medicine is first fried in a pan, then the honey is sprayed, and the order is reversed. Candied ephedra, smooth asthma and lungs, mix honey to suck, then fry on the pot. Candied winter flowers, mixed with honey to be thoroughly moistened, moderately grasped, fried to not sticky. Ginger slices into juice, cinnamon cut into silk, ginger juice and cinnamon, warm kidney and warm spleen. Epimedium is to be licked, the fat is made into juice, and the eucalyptus leaves are mixed with juice.

4 steamed medicine aconite toxic, processing with gallbladder, detoxification system attached to the film, good effect. Chuanwu and Caowu, both drugs are poisonous, raw products can not be used, and the products are cooked for a long time. Nine steamed rhubarb, steaming and kungfu busy, zui good blood and heat, diarrhea and intestines. The pearls are decontaminated, the tofu is cooked in the same pot, ground into fine powder, and the pills are scattered or applied externally.

5 fire single medicine (cooking)
Almonds are poisonous, they must be boiled in boiling water, and the skin is easy to remove, detoxification and increase efficiency.

6 calcined sputum can not be stirred, the heat is mastered, crispy honeycomb, high quality and high quality. The person is buckled and calcined, can not be seen in the middle, once to be forged, the firepower is enough, white rice or paper, the fire is visible.

7 frost croton is very poisonous, go to the oil to squeeze into frost, the drug should be lightly cast, and swollen by water.

8 copy (mixed)
Alum, a pinellia, repeated water, poisonous tongue, micro-hemp, cough and phlegm

9 wash

The traditional Chinese medicine raw material is washed with high-pressure water pump to clean the surface of the sediment to the moisturizing and softening medicine. The high-temperature softening Chinese medicine softens the raw material in a short time by the principle of gas phase replacement, and can effectively grasp the effective composition of the medicine.

10 drying

The dried Chinese herbal medicines are dried within 8% (except others). Divided into: low temperature, medium temperature, high temperature drying.

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