Winter Layer Breeding Ventilation Management

The suitable temperature for layer ventilation is 13 to 25°C, and the relative humidity is 50% to 70%. Too high and too low will reduce the chicken's egg production rate. In the early fall season, the weather is still hot and the rain is relatively heavy. The chicken house is relatively humid and prone to respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases. Therefore, ventilation and ventilation must be strengthened. Open doors and windows during the day, increase ventilation, and provide adequate ventilation at night to reduce the temperature and humidity, which is conducive to heat dissipation in the chicken body and reduce harmful gas content in the house. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the temperature drops more. At night, reduce the ventilation to ensure that the temperature of the house is appropriate. Close some of the doors or windows in time, paying particular attention to the stress caused by the sudden climate change. The key point of ventilation adjustment is in the fall. With the gradual decrease of temperature, the number of fans is gradually reduced. In order to reduce the temperature difference between the front and rear of the house, the area of ​​the air inlet is adjusted timely, and all small windows are opened to ease the wind speed to reduce the wind. Cold effect. The opening angle of the small window is not suitable for directly blowing chicken. Observe the chickens in a timely manner. Observe the chickens carefully every day. If there is cold air blowing directly, you can see local chicken diarrhea and adjust them in time. This conditional disease will improve. When the air in the house is relatively dirty in the morning, forced ventilation is recommended. It is advisable to use 8-10 minutes. No ventilation is required to maintain a dead angle, and the management focuses on a stable environment.