6 natural therapeutic recipes for freckles

1. Soak the soybeans in vinegar for a month and take a few capsules a day for a while.

2. Huaiyu Coconut Chicken Soup

Raw materials: 20 grams of yam medicine, 30 grams of medlar, one quarter of coconut meat, one broiler, 3 slices of ginger, and a proper amount of salt.

Production: Wash yam yam and wolfberry fruit first, coconut meat is chopped, chickens are chopped to the viscera, and casseroles are added to the casserole. Add appropriate amount of fresh water, boil over the fire, change the simmer for 3 hours, and add some salt to taste.

Efficacy: yam and medicine spleen; wolfberry Zi liver, blood; coconut beauty; chickens nourishing the five internal organs. The compatibility of the four are nourishing qi and blood, and the effect of removing muscle and removing muscle spots.

3. Golden Needlehead Fish Head Soup

Ingredients: 15 grams of day lily, 10 grams of cloud ear, 3 slices of ginger, 5 red dates (nuclear), 1 head of carp head (black loquat), proper amount of salt.

Production: First day lily flowers, cloud ear water, wash, fish head cut into two, wash, fry pan fry about; three into the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, simmer for an hour on the fire; the final use of salt Seasoning, ready to eat.

Efficacy: Day Lily, Yun Er, Shugan, Jieyu, Pinggan, activating blood stasis; carp head kidney, the two combined have a good effect on freckles, chloasma.

4. Angelica Stone Mutton Soup

Raw materials: Angelica 12 grams, 60 grams of stone cassia, hammered, wrapped in gauze, red dates 6 (to core), ginger 5, lamb 300 grams, salt amount.

Production: Angelica, cassia, red dates, ginger, lamb into a casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, medium heat for 3 hours, season with an appropriate amount of salt can be eaten.

Efficacy: Angelica nourishing blood, Shi Jueming Liver and eyesight, mutton, spleen and stomach yin. This can make the skin moist, reduce pigmentation, go freckles, chloasma.

5. Lily porridge

Raw materials: Lily 6 grams, 30 grams of rice, sugar amount.

Production: Wash the lily first and wok, add glutinous rice and appropriate amount of water, and cook the porridge together. After 1 hour, add appropriate amount of sugar to taste.

Efficacy: Lily supplements spleen and lung, and glutinous rice can benefit spleen and stomach. Eat morning and night, go freckles.


Raw materials: 15 grams of pearl powder, 10 grams of white peony root, 10 grams of camomile, 20 white nuts, 15 red dates, 1 porcine pancreas, 30 grams of honey, and 15 grams of fermented grains.

Production: first pearl powder research fine, chamomile chrysanthemum, ginkgo shell, red dates to the core, pig pancreas washed and cut into small pieces; then smashed on the drug, and honey, brewing blocking uniform, cage steamed for 15 minutes Serve.

Efficacy: Daily morning drinking, treatment freckles.

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