Integrated management of mango pests and diseases

The integrated management of mango pests and diseases implements the “prevention-oriented, comprehensive prevention and control” plant protection policy, based on the improvement of the orchard's ecological environment and the strengthening of cultivation management, comprehensive application of various prevention and control measures, preferential use of agricultural measures, biological control and physical control methods, and the use of High-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue chemical pesticides, banned highly toxic and high-residue chemical pesticides, improved drug technology, reduced pesticide use, and control of diseases and insect pests at economic thresholds to ensure that mango quality meets the NY5024 standard.

I. Agricultural control

Based on local conditions, select the varieties that are resistant to insect pests or pests and diseases. A single variety should be planted on the same plot to avoid mixing different mature varieties. In the process of orchard construction and cultivation and management, planting protective forest belts, honey plants, intercropping or grassing are used to create an ecosystem that is conducive to the growth of fruit trees and the survival of natural enemies that are not conducive to the growth of pests and diseases, and to maintaining biodiversity and ecology. balance.

Through the mango pumping period, flowering period, fruiting period, and pruning after fruit picking, the cross-branches, over-closed branches, disease-disease branches are removed, and burns are concentrated to reduce the source of infection. Thoroughly clean the countryside in the winter, and burn dead branches, pests and branches, etc. to reduce the source of infection. Strengthen the cultivation and management, improve the resistance of plants, put the shoots in an appropriate period, promote the extraction of the shoots every time, avoid the peak period of pests, and remove sporadic shoots, which is conducive to the unified control of spraying. Cultivate, soak the soil and kill the underground pests.

Second, physical and mechanical control

Insect pests were used to trap nocturnal insects, and yellow fluorescent light was used to drive the fruit sucker.

Use artificial or tools to kill pests and cockroaches such as chafers.

Use color traps to kill pests, such as yellow plates, blue plates, and white plates.

Insect nets and insect nets are used to isolate and kill pests.

Using fruit bagging technology to prevent and control pests and diseases

Third, biological control

Planting honey plants around or around the orchard to create an ecological environment conducive to the breeding of natural enemies. Use mechanical and manual weeding as much as possible to prevent both weeding and natural enemies. Collect, introduce, reproduce, and release major natural enemies of pests, such as predators. The use of fungi, bacteria, viruses and other biological pesticides, biochemical preparations and insect growth regulators, mainly Bacillus thuringiensis emulsion, Bacillus thuringiensis powder, biological compound insecticide, avermectin, Liuyangmycin, diflubenzuron, diflubenzuron , flufenoxuron, polyoxorubicin, Meman, and Nongkang 120.

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