Mung bean in the cotton field, win-win!

Intercropping cotton mung bean intercropping is a simple and easy cultivation technology, which has not only negative impact on cotton yield, but also improves soil, fertilizes nitrogen, and increases the effectiveness. With the expansion of cotton acreage, this model has gradually expanded in Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces. However, due to the changes in cotton varieties, reasonable planting patterns need to be improved. Through several years of exploration, the national edible bean industry technical system has integrated a set of cotton and mung bean interplanting and efficient planting modes.

Selection of land: Mungbeans have low salt tolerance during growth, and they tend to cause dead or no emergence of seedlings in saline-alkali soils. Intercropping with cotton and mungbeans is suitable for lighter saline-alkali soils with better water and fertilizer conditions.

Select the appropriate species: Cotton can be used in the current application of a larger area of ​​hybrid cotton or conventional cotton. The selected varieties are Fufeng 7106, Fufeng 197, Fufeng 668, Ganmian 25, Fu 228 and so on. Mung beans are selected from compact, early-maturing, high-yielding, upright, one-time harvesting, and high-yield varieties such as Fulv 7th, Fulv 8th, Bao 942-34, Fulv 2nd, Zhonglu 5th, Zhonglu Number 10 and so on.

Planting style: Cotton is planted in large and small rows with a large row spacing of 90 to 110 centimeters and a small row spacing of 40 to 50 centimeters. Cotton density is 2000-2500 plants/mu (hybrid cotton) and 3000-3500 plants/mu (conventional cotton) per acre. Mung bean spacing 10 to 15 cm, leaving 5000 to 7000 per mu.

Apply base fertilizer, increase phosphate fertilizer, and pour good bottom water. To apply base fertilizer in combination with winter and spring soil preparation, mungbean needs more phosphorus, and increasing phosphate fertilizer has obvious effect on increasing yield of cotton and beans. 15 days before sowing, the bottom of the water should be poured to ensure that the whole seedling is broadcast.

Proper sowing. Mung bean and cotton were sown at the same time or cotton sowing immediately after the mung bean, mung bean sowing late, will extend the symbiosis of cotton and beans. When planting, it is required that the water holding capacity of the soil in the field be more than 60%, and sowing at a temperature of 5-10 cm in the soil layer stably at 12°C. The specific time is from mid-late April to early May. Seeding methods are sown and drilled. Cave sowing: hole 12 to 15 cm, sowing depth 3 to 4 cm, 3 to 4 per hole. Drilling with a small plow plough ditch, with the furrow planting, covering soil, repression.

Field Management: 1. After emergence, timely check seedlings, fill seedlings, thinning, remove weak seedlings. After the second compound leaf is unfolded, the seedlings will be established. Cave sowing 1-2 plants per hole. Drilling general plant spacing 12-15 cm, single plant seedlings. 2. Weeding and weeding. From the emergence to the flowering stage, we carry out 1 or 2 times of cultivating and weeding, head over shallow ploughing or hoeing, combined with thinning and seedlings, breaking the compaction, eradicating the weeds, and enhancing the vitality of the rhizobia; the second time we should combine the cultivators for cultivation before flowering to prevent Lodging. 3. Irrigation. In the case of pod planting, mungbeans generally do not need to be watered from the seedling stage to the flowering stage, and the flowering stage to the pod stage is the peak period of the mungbean water requirement. In the conditional conditions, the irrigating under the condition of drought in the field can be obvious. Increase production. 4. Pest control. The common diseases of mung bean include leaf spot, blight, rust, and virus diseases. Common pests include aphids, cardamom, spider mites, and borerworms. Disease prevention and control measures are mainly selection of disease-resistant varieties, followed by chemical control. Leaf spot control 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder can be used, with a dose of 1 to 1.5 kg per mu; In the early stage of flowering and scarring, spray 45% lime sulfur crystallized 150 times or 120 to 150 times potassium sulfate solution. 3 to 4 times; prevention and treatment of viral diseases should start with the treatment of aphids to reduce vector-borne viruses, such as early detection and early removal of diseased plants to prevent the spread of the virus.

Harvest in time. The determination of the mungbean harvest period should be based on the principle of “unequal hours and time to time”. When 70% of the pupa become black, one harvest is completed. If the mung bean matures later, when the cotton enters the flowering stage, it should also be unpicked once to avoid affecting the growth of the cotton. If there are varieties that have been pulled too long during the ripening period, mature pods can be harvested in batches to prevent premature blasting.

Cotton field management after harvesting beans. First, after the soybean meal is unplugged, it can be combined with the soil to turn over the place. Before the cotton soil is cultivated, about 10 kilograms of urea is recovered. The second is to re-apply flowers and bells fertilizer, fertilizer and water combined, the general application of urea 10 to 15 kg, plus application of compound fertilizer or organic fertilizer, ditch deep facilities. The third is to top-down in time, generally playing the top on July 15. The fourth is to do a good job of chemical control, generally after the top of the fruit buds after the top of the first fruit bud 2 ~ 3, heavy control, per acre with shrinkage Anyuan powder 3 ~ 3.5 grams of water spray 40 kg; if the fertilizer water to meet, Increase the control twice; under normal circumstances advocate light control, increase the number of times, the concentration should be light. The fifth is pest control. When one hundred strains of H. armigera have 10 larvae, they must be controlled in time.

Precautions: Do not leave too much cotton when you are planting, so as not to cause ridges to be closed, waste land, and reduce cotton production.

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