Got "Red Spider" supposedly?

Leafhopper is an important pest in agricultural production, commonly known as red spider, belongs to the arthropoda, Arachnida. The species that cause more serious harm in China are the cinnabar, leaf truncatum, leafhopper, apple all-claws, two-spotted spider mites and citrus all-claws. The leafhoppers are small in size and mainly harm the leaves and also harm young shoots, buds and fruits. Damaged areas are often slightly shorter, and product quality and production are significantly reduced.

Ye Yan occurs in multiple generations a year and flourishes in the spring. High temperature and drought are favorable for most leafhoppers, but continuous high temperature inhibits the proliferation of leafhoppers. High humidity limits the occurrence of leafhoppers, and heavy rain significantly reduces the number and damage of leafhoppers. Apes develop rapidly, generally 20 to 30 days can complete a generation, high reproduction rate, can be carried out with the environmental changes of sexual reproduction and parthenogenetic reproduction, combined with small individuals, early and difficult to detect, so often outbreaks. The leafhoppers are small in size but crawl quickly. They can also spread quickly due to the drooping drooping winds, even with the special ascent and translational air currents. Therefore, the wind is an important factor in the spread of leafhoppers.

In the northern area, leafhoppers usually pass through the winter with females and adult males, and they also have winters as males, plagues, or eggs. The locations vary depending on the species, including the soil, branches of trees, litter and weeds on the fields. Therefore, removing the weeds in the fields, scraping the barks in the winter, and destroying the litter in the orchards and plowing the soil all have certain control effects. Since leafhoppers attached to clothing, livestock, agricultural machinery, seedlings, flowers, fruits, and vehicles can be transmitted over long distances, strict phytosanitary measures are important measures to prevent the spread of leafhoppers.

Since leafhoppers and insects are different classes of animals, not all "insecticides" are effective on spiders. The specialized acaricidal agents include chlorenone (Broomfly), acetylene (Ketite), benzoquinone (West of the Star), and dimethyl ether (Dioxime). Examples of insecticides that can cope with terpenes include avermectin, methotrexate, fluvalinate, chlorpyrifos, and flufenoxur (carrageenan). Lime sulfur is a rare bactericide that can both cure leafhoppers and scale insects.

Compound Cereal Flour

Compound grain powder is a kind of powder product, which is made of all kinds of grain, coarse grain, legumes and medicine and food dual-purpose raw materials after grinding and refining. It is the general name of the whole grain powder products. Cereal flour works well for a wide range of people, from 9-to-5 office workers with erratic diets, making a delicious cereal drink a snap.
Features of compound grain powder
1. Unique aroma of natural grains
2. It is easier to be absorbed by the human body. In accordance with the nutritional needs of Asian people, the scientific proportion allows us to make full use of each portion of nutrition.
3. The effect of instant mixing is good, without adding any preservatives, flavors, pigments and other substances, so that we can use more at ease, eat more at ease!
4. Select new ingredients for autumn harvest and reject aged grains. Fresh food is rich in various vitamins, plant proteins and trace elements, so that everyone can drink healthy!

Compound grain powder is especially suitable for all kinds of obese people in a state of sub-health. It can not only make you thin, but also make you more beautiful. Obese people who are hungry, feel they are anaemic, have stomach problems, are too wet, and do not like to exercise can eat complex grain powder to improve their physical fitness and to slim down and have good skin.

Whole grain flour can be eaten in two ways. One is cornflour and the other is cooked flour. Cornflour can be added to cold water, cooked after eating; Cooked powder can be served directly with boiling water. Our category is ripe grain powder, ready-to-eat grain powder, can be a single variety of grain grinding, can also be a plurality of varieties of mixed grain grinding, support custom, send samples.

Compound Cereal Flour,Composition Of Cereals,Wheat Compound Cereal Flour,Multi Cereal Flour

XuChang Youjia Food Product Development Co., LTD ,