Five diet errors in healthy eating

A healthy diet can not only provide essential nutrients for the body, but also achieve the purpose of disease prevention and health care. However, many people carelessly lead him to eating healthy foods, not only cannot provide the necessary ability and nutrition for the body, but also may As a result, obesity and indigestion all have side effects, so we must be alert to these nutritional misconceptions.

Misunderstanding 1: Eat more nutrition

Reminder: It is also timely and appropriate for snacking

Many people think that the more you eat, the easier it is to meet the needs of various nutrients. It is not surprising that obesity and fatty liver have become increasingly young. Snacks are double-edged swords that affect children's health. Appropriate, timely, and appropriate snacks can supplement the insufficient intake of meals. First of all, choose healthy foods such as couscous, fruit, and milk to avoid high-fat and high-energy foods. Secondly, during the middle of two meals, avoid food and sleep before eating within 1 hour; once again, do not affect the meal. Intake is a prerequisite.

Misunderstanding 2: "Milk + Egg" is the best breakfast

Reminder: Lack of grain capacity

An ideal breakfast cereal is essential. Grains in the human body can be quickly converted to glucose, so breakfast must contain buns, Hanamaki, noodles, cereals and other staple foods in order to ensure the energy required for brain activity during the morning learning. With milk or soy milk, eggs or lean meat and other foods rich in high quality protein, you can make the food stay longer in the stomach, so that energetic morning.

Myth 3: Drink soup instead of eating meat

Reminder: The protein in the meat will not go to the soup

Some people don't like to eat meat, they turn it into soup. They think that the essence of meat is in the soup, and soup can replace meat. In fact, the broth of broth, but some of the nitrogen in the meat extracts dissolved in the soup, but most of the protein in the meat remains in the meat.

Myth 4: When you are tired, you need to eat more meat tonic

Reminder: Demand for carbohydrates is greater than protein

Nowadays, children are under heavy pressure to learn. Parents are waiting for each day. Office workers are tired for a week, and they also like to work hard. In fact, the nutritional value of meat is mainly to provide high-quality protein, which is essential daily nutrients, but the amount of carbohydrates is far less than the amount needed. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, and enough energy can increase the utilization of proteins in the body. On the contrary, if the protein metabolism is not complete, more toxic waste will accumulate in the blood, causing people to feel nauseous and tired, which is not conducive to learning.

Myth 5: blindly supplement health products

Reminder: The most important meal is reasonable

Health products cannot substitute for a reasonable diet. On the basis of reasonable diets, nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin C, and B vitamins may be properly supplemented with large amounts of nutrients that are generally inadequately ingested. However, supplements for health supplements are best supplemented by the lack of nutrients under the guidance of a doctor.

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