Singapore uses genetic technology to prevent vegetable soft rot

Vegetable soft rot is one of the major enemies of crops. Researchers from the Institute of Molecular Agricultural Biology in Singapore have extracted a gene that is resistant to soft rot, which can interfere with signal transmission of pathogens and effectively destroy their ability to cause diseases. Like other unicellular bacteria, Erwinia spp., the pathogen of soft rot, communicates with each other by a special signaling method. The researchers found that Erwinia bacteria emits a small molecule called an auto-inducer that binds to other inducers of the same type of bacteria and then absorbs it back into the cell. The pathogen exchanges signals through the inducer. When the inducer accumulates to a certain amount, the germs will receive a signal of “enough strength” to launch a massive invasion and cause vegetable rot to be soft rot. If the amount of the inducer is insufficient, the germ will receive a signal of "not enough" and decide to temporarily lurk and wait for another move. In response to this characteristic, the researchers found more than 4,000 kinds of bacteria to kill the soft rot's nemesis after more than one year of experiments and successfully extracted effective anti-soft rot genes. Implanting this gene into vegetables can produce specific proteins, interfere with the process of signal transmission by Erwinia using an inducer, and avoid the growth of pathogenic bacteria, so that vegetables are resistant to soft rot. Currently, researchers are testing whether the protein produced by this gene is harmful to other organisms.

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