Seven points for scientific nursing piglets

Suckling piglets are a growth stage in which pigs have the fastest growth and development rates, highest feed utilization rates, and most significant economic benefits. The so-called scientific feeding of piglets is based on the physiological characteristics of the suckling pigs to carry out scientific feeding and management, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid weight gain, large litter size, high survival rate and physical fitness, thereby laying a good physical foundation for late fattening. For this reason, the author must keep in mind the following seven points in the scientific feeding of piglets, based on the advanced practices of local piglets.
1. Let the piglets eat colostrum early: After the piglets are born, the piglets must be allowed to eat colostrum as soon as possible (usually no later than 3 hours). This is due to the fact that the content of protein, fat and vitamins in colostrum is significantly higher than that of regular milk; in colostrum it contains more magnesium salts, which is beneficial to the discharge of meconium; the acidity of colostrum is also more frequent. Milk height, which is conducive to promoting digestive tract activity of piglets; more importantly, it contains large amounts of antibodies in colostrum. Because newborn piglets have no innate immunity, they need to eat colostrum to obtain antibodies. Therefore, after the birth of piglets, The piglets should be allowed to eat and eat colostrum as soon as possible.

2, to fix the nipple as soon as possible: In general, the sow each time the milk is only 10 to 20 seconds, if the nipple sucker nipples are not fixed as soon as possible, it will lead to piglets competing for nipples, so that both interfere The normal lactation of the sow, at the same time, can easily cause the piglets to develop unevenly during the weaning. It is easy to cause thin and fat piglets to die. Therefore, within 2 days after the birth of the piglet, the nipple must be fixed, which is an important measure to improve the survival rate of the piglet. Fixed nipples can generally be fixed in the latter part of the sow nipples, and the small and thin piglets are fixed in the first nipple. When fixing the nipples, the sow breasts must be massaged first, and pay attention to When the sow is lying down, the breeder should often turn up the nipple pressed on the lower side so as to locate the sucker on the lower side.

3, pay attention to good pressure prevention, insulation work: the best temperature for newborn piglets is 32 °C, as long as 2 months of age must remain at about 22 °C. If the temperature is too low, the piglet is susceptible to frostbite or freezing; the temperature is low, and the piglet is poorly vibrated. The piglet loves drilling mat grass and has no energy to suck milk. It is also easier for the sow to die or starve to death. At the same time, the low temperature is also easy to cause. Piglets induce important causes of diarrhea. Therefore, it is best not to sow the tiller sow on the concrete floor. Other mating surfaces should also be covered with mat grass. If it is in the winter, indoor stoves will be used, or infrared heat lamps or infrared litter boxes will be used for insulation measures. To prevent piglets from dying, the first step is to strengthen nursing care to prevent the sows from dying of the piglets when they are breastfeeding, and the second is to provide nursery pens or nursery or incubators in the delivery room to allow the piglets to move freely in and out of the nursing beds.

4, to pay attention to iron and other trace elements: iron is an important component of heme, and copper is the main raw material for hematopoiesis and enzyme systems. The amount of iron stored in newborn piglets is generally about 50 grams. Daily growth of piglets requires 7-8 mg of iron. The amount of iron in the body will be exhausted within a few days. Piglets only take 1 mg of iron from their mother's milk daily for sows. Iron supplementation can not increase milk content within a few days, so if piglets are not supplemented with iron in time, it will lead to anemia in piglets. The light makes the piglets appear thin, and severe cases can cause the piglets to die. The current method of supplementing iron: Weigh 2.5 g of ferrous sulfate, 1 g of copper sulfate, mix it into 1000 ml of water, dissolve and filter it, and when the piglet feeds, place the solution on the nipple twice a day, daily Each head dose is 10 ml and is fed until 20 days old. Another method of supplementing iron is to inject 3 to 3 ml of dextran iron-cobalt mixture from the side of the neck to a 3-day-old piglet and then once again to the piglet at 10 days of age.

5, to grasp the piglet early feeding: piglets from 7 days after birth, they must begin feeding and feeding adjustments, began to use fried soybeans or wheat, etc. to place it in the piglets often move in and out of the place, Allow them to eat freely, or adopt a small amount of sugar water in the compound feed to prepare a thin paste, apply the lips of the piglets, and allow them to feed. After repeated times, the piglets can learn to eat.

6. Let the piglets drink water early: This is because the physiological metabolism of piglets is strong, and the decomposition and synthesis of substances require a lot of water. The daily water requirement of piglets before the age of 35 days is generally 1/5 of the body weight, if not given drinking water The piglet will feel thirsty, and it is easy for the piglet to drink sewage or urine in the circle. Therefore, after 5 days of age, a drinking water tank can be placed in the house to supply piglets with clean fresh drinking water.

7, to pay attention to do a good job of health and disease prevention work: the need to clean the house every day, so that the house to keep the hygienic and dry, to give piglets clean, quiet, fresh air living environment, daily careful attention to observation and found In the case of diarrhea and other diseases, prompt treatment should be taken. After 30 days of age, it is necessary to carry out vaccination in accordance with the health and epidemic prevention procedures to prevent the occurrence of various infectious diseases.

Step one: prepare the ingredients, dried noodles 100g (or wet noodles 150g), chopped green onion, a small bag of the seasoning.

Step two: Wash the green onion, cut into green onion, boil the water and add the prepared noodles.

Step 3: Add boiling water to the pot, add the prepared noodles and cook it in a pot. Add 300-400g of boiling water (better soup) to the bowl and add a small bag of the sauce.

Chongqing Small Noodles Seasoning

Chongqing Small Noodles Seasoning,Chongqing Hotpot Seasoning,Chongqing Small Noodles Sauce,Chongqing Cuisine

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