How to raise potted jasmine

Jasmine plants are easier to plant and pot plants are more difficult. Therefore, in order to obtain a similar cultivation effect, potted jasmine is more effective in managing than jasmine, and its operation is roughly as follows. With soil: Jasmine love loose loose fertile, well-drained sandy loam. This kind of soil can be mixed with rot-leaf, fine sand, or one of the orchards. In this culture medium, jasmine has a good appearance and long life. Watering: In winter and spring, the water should be supplied in accordance with the principle that the lower the ambient temperature is, the less water will be provided, as long as the micro-tide is kept on the box. In the summer and autumn, when the season grows vigorously, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of drought and damage. On hot, sunny days, give the plants proper water spray. Fertilization: Fertilizing jasmine should be mainly from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn. In addition to the flowers before flowering, the plant should be given several times after the application of concentrated fertilizer, the other time it will be thin and hard to apply, about once a week. Fat jasmine can sprout branches, leaves are green and fragrant. Light: It is best to place the jasmine at full sun. If conditions do not permit, it must be allowed to receive no less than 4 hours of sunlight per day. Jasmine should be placed outdoors, if placed on the inside of the glass window, it will have some influence on photosynthesis of the plant. Temperature control: In order to maintain good potted jasmine, it should be placed at an ambient temperature of 25 °C to 30 °C during the growing season; in winter and spring, it should be placed at an ambient temperature of 5 °C to 10 °C. This is crucial to ensure normal growth of jasmine in summer and autumn, and no death in the cold season. Trimming: Jasmine grows strong and it is important to trim it properly. In general, before the jasmine begins to grow rapidly in the spring, it is necessary to thin some of the old branches to promote multiple new shoots. After the jasmine begins to blossom in summer, the florets must be shortly cut, because the jasmine flowers are on top of the branches. After this treatment, potted jasmine plants are not susceptible to aging and have more flowering. China Agricultural Network Editor