How to make Zhu Dinghong's Spring Blossom

Zhu Dinghong is also known as Zhu Dinglan, Baizhilian, Red, Amaryllidaceae, perennial bulbs. Bulb diameter of 6cm - 10cm, scale skin and color related, brown scales red flowers, light green scales, the flowers have white or red stripes. Rooted under the bulbs, the leaves were drawn from bulbs and two columns were born. The flowers are umbels, inserted at the apex of the flower stem, flared. The flowering period in May, if managed well, can bloom during the Spring Festival. The method is: Before and after the beginning of winter, stop watering the plants. After the leaves are wilted and cut off, place the pots in a cool and dry place to promote dormancy. In order to enable it to bloom on schedule, during this period, two things need to be taken care of: First, to control the temperature, it is best to keep it at 10-15 °C. The temperature is too high and it is easy to sprout prematurely. The bulbs cannot be fully dormant, affect flowering, and the temperature is too high. Low, vulnerable to freezing injury. The second is to strictly control the watering, and pour a small amount of water in about 10 days so that the basin soil can be kept slightly wet. If it is too wet, the bulbs will be easily rotted. After two months, the temperature increased to about 22°C, began to irrigate water, kept the basin soil moist, and gradually awakened from dormancy. After two or three leaves were grown, it was fully exposed to sunlight and poured every 10 days. Fermented hemp sauce water. This will quickly cause convulsions, and generally will bloom before the Spring Festival. If the flower bud grows too slow or too fast, it can be controlled by raising and lowering temperature and increasing or decreasing light. It should be reminded that the treated plants must strengthen post-harvest management. It is better not to let them bloom in the spring so that the plants can fully absorb the nutrients and be able to rejuvenate and lay the foundation for the Spring Festival flowering in the coming year.