Edible fungus quality safety production technology

The high-quality and safe production of edible fungi is an important part of the sustainable development of the edible fungus industry, which is conducive to saving resources, protecting the environment, increasing the competitiveness of products in the international market, increasing export trade volume and prices, and increasing the efficiency of mushroom farmers. In recent years, with the increase of mushroom cultivation varieties, the expansion of cultivation resources, the expansion of cultivation areas, and the expansion of cultivation areas, some production areas have added some chemical components with unknown mechanism for the pursuit of high yield due to changes in cultivation formulas. One-sided pursuit of labor, to take some unscientific production and management measures, coupled with environmental and water quality impact on the cultivation environment, edible mushroom cultivation contamination incidents occur. After China's accession to the WTO, many products have to undergo rigorous testing in the international market, and domestic food market access systems must also be implemented. Therefore, it is necessary to put forward and implement high-quality and safe production of edible fungi, improve the quality of products, and make the products meet the new requirements of “nature, nutrition, and health care”. The cultivation and management of edible fungus should grasp the following principles: First, ensure the safety of raw materials, including the safety of sawdust, cottonseed hulls, bran, crop stalks, earth-covering materials and various added components as culture medium, and after contamination with bacteria Raw materials and contaminated parts cannot be re-used for cultivation to prevent the accumulation of harmful components. Second, the environmental hygiene and water quality standards of the selected cultivation sites should meet the environmental and water quality requirements of food production. The water directly sprayed on the mushroom should conform to the Drinking water standards; Third, prevention and control of pests and production and processing of the environment should be implemented in order to prevent the main, and pesticides should not be directly sprayed to the mushroom body. When it is necessary to use drugs, it is necessary to use low-toxicity and high-efficiency biological reagents, and the time when the drugs are used, and the dosage should follow the standards for the safe use of pesticides. Space disinfectants promote the use of UV disinfection and 75% alcohol disinfection. The specific measures require the following six: 1. Selection of surrounding environment for cultivation. Edible mushroom cultivation should be selected from places that may cause pollution. The surrounding environment meets the requirements of food hygiene. It is harmless to human health. There are no sources of pollution and dust. The cultivation of alfalfa is chosen around the town, and attention must be paid to keeping away from densely populated residential areas and highways. Major roads, but also to prevent harmful waste from the city's domestic waste, waste water and excessive population activities caused by pollution. 2, the choice of topography. The ideal cultivars for mushroom cultivation should be selected in areas that face the south and the south, have open terrain, clean water, and rich cultivation resources, which are conducive to the circulation of air and the growth and reproduction of aerobic edible fungi; as the environmental atmosphere for the cultivation of green foods and organic foods. Should meet the national "Ambient Air Quality Standard" in the first-class standards, water quality should be in line with drinking water standards, for the use of soil cultivation of mushroom species, such as Agaricus bisporus, straw mushroom, Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus ostreatus, in addition to according to their cultivation needs In addition to the respective soil quality requirements, it is also necessary to meet the requirements for the control of various pollutants in soil in the national standard “Technical Conditions for Green Food Production Areas”. 3, the choice of raw materials. The artificially cultivated edible fungi are all saprophytic bacteria, and they are cultivated using the main raw material of agriculture and forestry as raw materials. The selection of pollution-free raw materials is an important basic link to prevent the contamination of edible fungus products. For wood chips as the main raw material for cultivation, the safety of raw materials should be tested in advance. If the pesticide residue exceeds the standard, the residual content can be reduced by using water immersion and fermentation methods. The main raw materials for the cultivation of dung grass, there are many opportunities for contamination, such as pesticide residues, heavy metals such as cadmium, should be tested before the cultivation of the relevant components of various raw materials, the selection of raw materials with low content of harmful ingredients for the culture substrate . In the cultivation of various edible fungi strictly according to the formula material, the formula composition is strictly in accordance with NY5099-2002 "Safety Technical Requirements for Edible Mushroom Cultivation Matrix" standard. 4, raw material processing and preparation process control. Strictly control the processing environment so as not to cause harmful substances in the raw material processing process. For example, in the processing and crushing process, it is necessary to prevent the mixing of harmful oils and dirt, and to prevent the incorporation of wood chips containing aromatic species; the components of the medium should all be safe raw materials. Based on the formulation formula, ingredients that are considered to increase production, such as fertilizers and nutrients, must not be added arbitrarily. The tools and machinery used should be safe and hygienic appliances. 5. Control of cultivated varieties and cultivation patterns. At present, nearly 50 species of edible fungi and medicinal fungi can be artificially cultivated, and there are nearly 100 species that can be cultivated for artificial cultivation. Because of the suitable temperature, humidity, and growth rate of mycelium growth, there are differences in the speed and assimilation ability of the external substances. Some varieties have strong ability to enrich certain metals, and some varieties themselves. Formaldehyde is produced in metabolism. If there are special requirements for certain ingredients, consider the nutritive and metabolic characteristics of various varieties of edible fungi. Pleurotus ostreatus is more likely to accumulate heavy metals, and there is a difference in this enrichment ability among varieties. The correlation between cultivation mode and pollution caused is also not negligible. For the type of soil-covered cultivation, the safety of the soil-covered material should be controlled, and the bag-removal cultivation mode should also pay attention to the safety of the soil on the soil and the safety of the water when it is immersed. The cultivation environment and the quality of the water injection should be taken care of without bagging. safety. 6. Control of cultivation management process. The quality of water quality control and the health of the harvesting equipment are mainly for the water quality directly sprayed on the fruit body, must meet the drinking water standards, and the water quality of the infusion bag should at least meet the livestock drinking water standards, and should be used for the harvesting equipment. Meet the hygiene requirements for food raw materials, including the health of the harvester, special gloves should be worn when special types are harvested. In short, in the production process of edible fungi, attention should be paid to all aspects of the environment and production, strictly implementing NY/T3912-2000 “Environmental Technical Conditions for Green Food Production Areas” and NY-5095-NY-5099 green food “Mushrooms” and “Flat”. The product quality standards of "Mushroom", "Agaricus bisporus" and "Black Fungus" and "Safety Technical Requirements for Edible Mushroom Cultivation Substratum" make edible mushroom products not only become pollution-free food but also become green food and organic food.