Artificial live licorice cultivation technology

Cultivated technology selection of licorice deep-rooted plants, should be selected flat, fertile loose sand or loam cultivation. It is better to use wheat, corn, and vegetables in the former crop. Avoid bourgeons and sunflowers. Soil preparation and fertilization will be selected to deepen more than 26 centimeters deep. Each mu of fully decomposed organic fertilizer 2000 kilograms to 3000 kilograms, diammonium 18 kilograms to 20 kilograms, and then the mantle fine leveling, fighting. It is 20 to 30 centimeters wide, 20 centimeters high, and 2 to 2.5 meters wide, depending on the terrain. Seed treatment In order to prevent licorice seedling stage blight, 50% Diocesone WP was added before seeding, 0.2% to 0.4% of the seed amount, 3% wetted by the seed amount, and boring 6 hours after seed dressing. To 8 hours to be broadcast. Sowing sowing date determination Licorice is a warm crop, the most suitable germination temperature is 24 °C to 35 °C, the local table temperature is stable at 10 °C, the best time for sowing. Seeding method using manual drill, in the entire good surface, according to the spacing of 20 cm to 25 cm open shallow ditch, the seeds sowed in the ditch, covering the depth of 2 cm or so, the drought should be promptly watered after sowing water moisturizing. Seedlings can be emerged 7 to 18 days after sowing under appropriate conditions of temperature and humidity. Seeding capacity per acre sowing rate of 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg, mu conservation seedlings from 20,000 to 25,000. Field management Weeding and licorice Weeding early, except for grass, manual weeding 1 or 2 times before licorice weeding, keeping field free of weeds, small area planted mainly by manual weeding, large area planting, available licorice special herbicides Prevent weeds. When the height of seedlings is 8 cm to 15 cm, the seedlings will be set at 6 cm to 8 cm in height, removing small, weak and diseased seedlings. After finishing the seedlings, the top dressing will be applied once to raise the seedlings, and 50 g to 100 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre will be applied. Foliage spray will be applied between 100 g and 150 g of urea, or after spreading 5 kg to 8 kg of urea between the rows. Watering; the second top-dressing, when the growth of the local part is weakened, the underground root grows rapidly at this time, diammonium 6 kg to 8 kg per mu, or potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100 g to 150 g, plus spray Shibao 1 Foliage spraying. After watering, the seedlings should be properly seeded. The head water must be set after the seedlings are set, and the irrigation can be determined depending on the situation. A total of 3 to 5 waters were poured during the entire licorice forming period. Harvesting and processing Excavation was carried out in mid-October and the whole growth period was about 150 days. Manually excavate and dig 45 cm to 50 cm in depth, try to dig out the whole roots, remove the roots from the excavated roots and remove the earth, and let it dry before selling. If a large area of ​​planting is harvested with a special licorice plow, it will be hand-pulled out. After drying, licorice can be further processed. The method is: removing the hair roots, pulling out the licorice strips, and cutting the oblique pieces of about 3 cm to 4 cm in length; the hair roots can be tied and put for sale.