Winter green manure cultivation technology

(1) Select good breeds to recommend farmers to go to the seed department to purchase purified and rejuvenated improved varieties suitable for local conditions, such as Ziyun Ying's “Lijiang River Seeds” or “Pinghu Seeds” varieties, to prevent the misuse of purchasing the inferior children, miscellaneous species and Chen’s products in the field. child. (B) improve the quality of sowing, to ensure Miao Qi Miao uniform 1, before planting a good open three ditch (fence ditch, ditch ditch and waist ditch), sun Jian Tian, ​​do not broadcast on the mud in the grass seed. 2. The amount of seed used per mu is 1.5-2 kg to ensure that there are 30-400,000 mu per mu. 3, 15 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer per acre, the best conditions to add 4 grams of ammonium molybdate and grass seed mix, a great role in tumor growth and root. 4, sowing time before and after the equinox 4 ~ 5 days is appropriate (ie late rice hook head scattered seeds), but the late late rice paddy field growth, sowing of red flowers can be postponed to early October. 5, sowing should be kept moist or thin layer of water, so thin water sowing, bilge seed drainage, see shoots dry, wet rooted. (C) do a good job of winter management, to prevent the lack of seedlings 1, late rice before the harvest to sun Jian Tian, ​​do not soft mud cut, otherwise the seedlings can easily be killed, the soil is practical, is not conducive to the growth of red flower grass. 2. After the late rice is harvested, the safflower seedlings shall be timely covered with rice straw or pig cattle stalls and they may receive the effects of drought resistance, antifreeze, and fertilization. 3. After the grass seedlings are basically over the fields, they should apply phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer in time. Phosphorus fertilizer applies 15 to 20 kg of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate per acre, and potassium fertilizer uses about 50 kg of wood ash per acre. This is very important for the promotion of root growth and growth of safflower. (D) do a good job in spring management, with small fertilizers and large fertilizers, a clear drain drainage, so that the rain stopped dry, lower the groundwater level, the soil water, fertilizer, gas, heat coordination, promote the deep roots of red flower grass roots Mao. 2, according to the situation of the seedlings make up a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, the general application of ammonium per acre of 5 to 8 kilograms, or cellar manure 500 to 750 kilograms, promote the balanced growth of red flowers. (5) Rational rotation interplanting, “Three Flowers” ​​mixed broadcasting, and sowing at the end of October 10, so that the output of green manure cannot reach more than 2000 kilograms. 2, plowing sowing, coordination of soil water, fertilizer, gas, heat relations. When you are in Putian, the soil must not be dry or wet, and the water should be cool and scattered. When you are working, you should not step on the soil too hard. 3, about 2.7 meters wide, the ditch to open deep, smooth ditch, so that the rain stopped dry. 4, "three flowers" with the amount of seed to be appropriate, according to local experience, per acre "three flowers" with the amount of seed: 2.5 kg of red flower seeds, 0.02 kg of fat field radish seeds, rapeseed 0.1 kg is appropriate. Let the green manure crops form a three-tiered flower on the ground and three underground roots, make full use of space, sunlight and fertility, and seize the high yield of green manure. China Agricultural Network Editor