New cultivation method

1. Selection. The tree shrubs left after the pine felling can be used for planting clams where the diameter is more than 16 cm. The tree shrubs, which are generally felled in the fall of the first year or the spring of the year, require that the bark does not fall off, and the wood is free of decaying ants. Because tree shrews do not move as they do in section wood, they should be selected for sunny inoculation cultivation in areas with sunny leewards, loose soil, and well-drained areas. 2. Peeling. In the March-June period or the winter of the first year, the weeds within 1 meter of the pine wood were removed and most of the bark was shaved on the tree twigs, leaving only four 1 finger wide barks of equal spacing and 3 cm or more in diameter. The roots also cut away most of the bark, leaving only one bark to be linked to the tree shrews for transmission to the strains. 3. Dig the ground. The soil within 1m around the tree shrews was loosened and deepened to a depth of more than 40 cm. The weed roots and stones were removed and the main roots and lateral roots of the shrubs were exposed on the ground, and the roots with a diameter of 3 cm or less were removed. The remaining branch was cut off at 0.7 meters to 1 meter to prevent bacteria from spreading outward. 4. The next species. Sprinkle termite-repellent powder around the roots of tree banyan trees, cover with a thin layer of soil, and then pick up the bacteria. There are two kinds of inoculation methods: 1 High pile inoculation method: When the pine tree is tall, a 10 cm deep hole is sawed near the root of the tree shrew, and the strain wood chips are tightly placed in the gap and tightly packed with wet grass paper. Cover the earth. 2 Low pile inoculation method: Suitable for shrubs, cut off the bark on the side of the base of the rough root, and a loose section of wood (10 cm in diameter, 80 cm in length, leave one bark wide bark, peel the rest to After the xylem has sun dried, it rests here, and then the strains wood chips are placed close to the peeled roots of the rough roots and the pine wood, covered with pine wood chips and pressed tightly. Fan Song is thick and then 3-4 kinds of points. 5. Cover the soil. After inoculation, the dwarf tree shrubs were 4-7 cm thick and piled into a bun. After inoculation, the tall piled tree worms were piled up to the top of the contaminated species at 4-7 cm, and the tops of the pods were exposed on the ground. A good ditch should be opened around, and termite powder should be sprinkled on both sides of the ditch. 6. Management. 10 days after inoculation, the hyphae have begun to grow into stumps. At this time, it should be checked whether bacteria should be added. The main pest of earthworms is termites, and pine trees are often hollowed out. Control methods: often open part of the pit in the loquat planting area, check whether the ant road in the pit, once found to be termite drugs sprayed on the termites who will bring it back to the nest and infect poisoning and death. 7. Harvest. After 60 days of inoculation, scabs begin to develop. With the expansion of earthworms, cracks in the soil occur. After 9 months, it can be excavated. When it is digging, it can be collected and left small, covered with soil and in another 4-5 months, it can be excavated. After harvesting more than 20 centimeters in diameter, tree shrubs can weigh about 7.5 kg. Even mining for 2 years. 8. Processing. The oysters are piled indoors, covered with straw and "sweat" for 5-6 days, and then spread out for 1-2 days. Then use straw to cover for 5-6 days. Peel and put it in a steamer until thoroughly steamed, or boil it until it passes through the heart (when boiling, change the water 3-4 times. When the water turns black, Change water). Remove the 4 cm, 4 cm, and 0.5 cm squares with a sharp knife. Then put the white block and the red block on bamboo mats or bamboo sieves, cover a piece of white paper, and dry them to the full dryness. In case of rainy weather, charcoal can be used for drying (no open fire baking is possible).