Garlic seeding technology

Garlic, ginger and interplanting can make full use of land and light, temperature, water, fertilizer and other conditions, and use cold winter ginger to grow garlic. Changing one year as a year can improve crop yield and significantly increase benefits. Mu yields 2300 kilograms per mu for single crops; 2250 kilograms per mu for interplanting ginger, 1025 kilograms for garlic, and 700 kilograms for garlic. Intercropping increased the net income by 3,200 yuan per mu compared to single-income net income. In addition, ginger is a shade-tolerant plant, not tolerant to glare, and requires moderate-intensity lighting conditions in the early period of growth. The practice of interplanting garlic with ginger and using garlic for shading can save manpower. At the same time, garlic can volatilize a bactericidal substance, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of ginger rickets. The garlic and interplanting cultivation techniques are described as follows: 1. Apply base fertilizer and fine-tune the whole plant. Choose a fertile medium-sized plot with good irrigation and drainage conditions, spread 5,000 kg of soil-fertilizer per acre, 50 kg of superphosphate, deep plowing 30 cm, leveling and smoothing, east-west opening, width 120 cm, including a width of 20 cm 100 cm of flour surface, applying 100 kg of Sanyuan compound fertilizer. Second, select fine seeds, handle a good ginger block. When planting garlic, we must choose the disease-free garlic as a species, eliminate clips and rotten flaps; when sowing ginger, we must select disease-free, non-rot, non-invasive, and non-invasive ginger for germination, and strictly eliminate thin, fleshy browns. Change to watery and soft ginger. Ginger was germinated under conditions of moist sand at a temperature of 22-25°C and relative humidity of 70%-80%, which allowed the ginger buds to grow fat without being too long. Third, appropriate sowing, rational close planting. The mulching film was used to cover the sown garlic seeds. The width of the plant was 120 cm from east to west, and the width of the plant was 6 cm. The distance between the rows was 10 cm and 37,000 acres were planted. Simmer noodles with 3 rows of garlic to leave a 30 cm wide nesting line. Garlic sowing can be performed after the film is punched, but also after the ditching and sowing of the film, see the seedlings after membrane rupture seedlings and sealed with soil. Ginger seedlings were planted in rows of 60 cm in spacing, with a spacing of 20 cm and 5,500 acre so as to maintain the depth and spacing of the plants in order to facilitate management. Fourth, phased formula fertilization. In the case of applying basal fertilizer, garlic does not need to be top-dressed after sowing, and garlic sprouts are to be harvested. In combination with watering, 10 kg of urea per acre is applied. When the ginger grows to two branches, the topdressing compound fertilizer is applied. -20 kg, 35-50 kg of compound fertilizer will be applied again during the vigorous period to meet the ginger's need for fertilizer. Fifth, strengthen the management of watering and drainage. Ginger needs a lot of moisture in the late stage of growth, and the ground must keep wet and dry. Ginger and garlic are afraid of drought and fear, so pay attention to drainage to prevent rotten ginger. In addition, we must also cultivate soil at different times and weed and weed. Six, pay attention to pest control. After spring returning to green, garlic sprayed 90% trichlorfon 800 times to control garlic sprouts. For the prevention and control of ginger borer, under the premise of implementing rotation for more than three years, select good breeds, find the diseased plants, eradicate them promptly, and disinfect the lime in the sick holes. Found that ginger borer (ie, borers) can be used 50% insecticidal pine emulsion 500-600 times or 80% 80% dichlorvos EC 800 times, can also be used to kill, kill 1500 times quick kill Ding 1500 times spray control.