Select the good variety of greenhouse fertilizer and water to grow fresh sweet cucumber

Sometimes the cucumber that is grown is bitter. What is the reason? Originally, the first bitter taste is the inheritance of the species itself; the second is the sudden change in environmental conditions; and the third is the loss of control over cultivation and management. From the identification of cucumber varieties, the dark green leaf has a higher content of bittersin. The use of plastic greenhouse insulation cultivation of cucumber, the local temperature is lower than 13 °C, the roots are poorly developed, the ability to absorb fertilizer and water weakened, cucumber roots increased bitterine, easy to produce bitter gourd. When the greenhouse temperature is higher than 30°C for a long time, less nutrients are accumulated and accumulated, which may also lead to the accumulation of bittersin in melon strips. In terms of cultivation and management, when the density is too large, nitrogen fertilizer is excessive or watering is too much, it is easy to contain bitterness. In order to prevent and reduce the occurrence of bitter melons, we must grasp the following technical aspects in terms of preventive measures. First of all, we must use good breeds. Try to avoid dark green leaves and choose more lighter leaves. Second, we must control the temperature of the greenhouse. First, planting in the shed should not be too early, to implement mulching film cultivation, when the shed temperature is above 13 °C can be planted; Second, the colonization of the initial shed is generally not free to ventilate, kept at 25-30 °C during the day, the night temperature remains 12-15°C; Third, when the greenhouse temperature exceeds 30°C in the initial period, the ventilation begins to change, and the ventilation outlet must be closed in the afternoon after dropping to 28°C. Fourth, the greenhouse temperature should be controlled below 32°C. Third, we must manage good water. One is to use more organic fertilizer and less to use nitrogen fertilizer; the other is to plant water and replenish the seedlings; the third is to pour a thin fertilizer and water every 10 days or so during the prosperous period; and the fourth is to water in sunny days. In the morning, it is not appropriate to water in the evening; fifth, it is not appropriate to water in the shed during rainy days. Once bitter cucumbers appear, soak in clear water overnight to reduce bitterness.