The Causes and Countermeasures of Death or Flower Bud Loss in Du Fu

Dujuan has beautiful trees and beautiful flowers. It is one of the ten most famous traditional flowers in China. It is a common flower for gardening, indoor potted plants and bonsai production. There are many reasons for the loss or death of the azalea buds. The main ones are: Soil rhododendrons are suitable for growth in acidic sandy loam rich in humus, strong permeability, and pH value of 5.0 to 6.5. Alkaline and cohesive soils are prohibited. The planting area is alkaline or sticky, and its permeability is not strong, which can easily cause poor plant growth, loss of buds, or even death. Fertilizer fertilization with too high concentrations or unfertilized raw fertilizer will cause “root burning”, resulting in buds and plant death. Watering azaleas are very delicate and afraid of earthworms. Excessive watering can cause a lack of air in the soil, leading to buds, fallen leaves, and plant death. The optimum growth temperature of rhododendron is 12°C to 25°C. It is easily damaged if it is lower than 5°C or higher than 35°C. Diseases and Insects Harmful diseases and insect pests in the cuckoo, mainly include leaf swollen disease, crown crest, and short clams. Change pots for several years without basin replacement, lack of plant nutrition; inappropriate time for basin replacement, such as winter cold, spring flowers or summer high temperature period basin; basin soil is not properly prepared, alkaline, permeability is not strong, can cause Buds and plants die. For the above reasons, the following technical measures should be taken. Soil selection is planted in acidic, well-drained, humus-rich soils. If the soil is slightly alkaline, it can be improved by applying 1000 to 1200 kilograms of decomposed farmyard manure (such as pig manure and burdock root) per acre and turning it over. After one year, the alkali in the soil will be contained in fertilizers containing large amounts of humic acid. with. For viscous and poorly-permeable soils, sand or sawdust, green manure, and organic fertilizers can be used to solve the problem. When planting, the cultivation matrix can be prepared with 45% leaf clay, 45% peat soil, 5% sawdust, 5% bone meal or cooked cake fat. Fertilizing rhododendron perennial green leaves, blooming flowers, nutrient consumption, so the amount of fertilizer is also large. However, in order to prevent “burning roots”, it is necessary to apply decomposed, thin fertilizers in accordance with the principle of “fertilizing thinly and diligently”. In the early winter, 500 to 700 kilograms of decomposed farmyard manure per acre was used as a base fertilizer, which could increase the soil temperature, which would benefit the growth of the cuckoo in winter and enhance its ability to resist cold in winter. In the spring before flowering in spring, phosphorus fertilizer was used as the main fertilizer, and nitrogen-phosphorus combined thin fertilizer was applied one or two times, which promoted the azaleas to bloom leaf green. After Xie Xie, nitrogen fertilizer-based liquid fertilizer was applied 2 or 3 times, each time for 10 days, to promote multiple new shoots. During the flower bud differentiation period, a decomposed cake fertilizer was applied, and an appropriate amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate was added to promote flower bud differentiation and flower bud budding. In order to maintain the acidity of the potting earth, a 0.2% aqueous solution of ferrous phosphate may be poured once every one to two months. The roots of watered rhododendrons are shallow rooted and slender root groups. They are both afraid of drought and fear of earthworms. Therefore, watering should be done in an appropriate amount, and planting areas should always be kept in a semi-wet state. In case of drought, it is necessary to water, and in case of disaster, it is necessary to drain irrigation. Spring buds and flowering stages require large amounts of water and are poured 2 to 3 times per week to meet the needs of growth and flowering, which can effectively prevent the wilting of leaves and shoots, shortening of flowering time, and early flowering of flowers. Summer temperatures are high, water evaporates quickly, and when the rhododendrons grow vigorously, they need more water. In addition to pouring water every morning and evening, they need to spray water around leaf surfaces and flowerpots to increase air humidity. In autumn and winter, less watering is needed to keep the basin soil wet. Whenever planting basins have accumulated water, they should be dumped in time and loose soil to dry. Those suffering from particularly serious damages must change their soil. The photosynthetic rhododendron had strong resistance to negative, suitable for growth in a semi-negative environment, and could not endure the exposure of summer light. Therefore, when selecting a planting site, it is preferable to use a shaded, wet, scattered light area such as a large tree. If it is a potted plant, the potted flower should be placed under a big tree in summer to avoid strong light. For potted azaleas, potted plants are developed because their roots are well-developed, their germination power is strong, their flowering amount is large, and their consumption of nutrients is high. Every 1 to 2 years, they must be changed once. Pendulum soil preparation according to the method described in the first paragraph above, the specific change basin time should be carried out in the spring after flowering or before the autumn buds. The operation method is to pour permeable water once in 1 to 2 days before turning the basin to make the basin soil expand and loose; when the basin soil is slightly dry, first beat the pot around with the hand to separate the basin soil from the basin wall; use a bamboo stick or other Sharp objects in the soil in the pine cones, gently raise the plants; remove roots along the soil and topsoil, leaving only 1/3 of the old soil; cut away rotten roots, wounded roots, too long roots and thin weak roots; The pots were reloaded with basins; once again, they were poured with water and placed in a semi-shade place for conservation.

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