The diagnosis of cucumber in greenhouse

In order to make cucumber plants have good quality at each stage of their development, they must be diagnosed in a timely manner from their morphology. In the diagnosis, mainly from the following considerations: 1, leading: After the establishment of planting seedlings, the leader should grow fat, there are more than two unfolded young leaves package, the color is bright green, furry developed. If the faucet is thin or the top of the real leaf is close to the faucet, it may be related to poor roots and low relative humidity. 2. Leaves: Normal leaves lack nicks, green and shiny, and the angle between petioles and stems is about 45, and the leaves and petioles are approximately at right angles. If the color between the leaves of the initial deployment becomes lighter and the top young leaves are yellowish green, it is a manifestation of low night temperatures or poor daylight. The dark green leaves lack luster, indicating that the air humidity is too low, excessive fertilization and insufficient water. The long petiole, large leaf blade, shallow leaf color and large angle are the result of high temperature and high humidity. 3, stem vines: normal stem vines grow full, angular, hairy (shaggy) developed, from the bottom to the top thickness and symmetry. If the near-top tender stems become sharply thin, it is caused by too high night temperature. 4, tendrils: 45 tendrils and stems are normal. If the tendril sags in an arc, it means that the temperature is high or there is no water. If the tendrils are upright and the top is curled, it means that the night temperature is low. The tendrils are short or rounded and are a sign of aging. If the tendrils tip yellow, it may be the performance of lack of fertilizer, fertilizer and water management should be carried out in time, and foliar spray fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sugar, trace fertilizer), otherwise it is easy to cause diseases. 5. Female flowers: The opening period of the first female flower is generally about 15 days after the seedlings (4 leaves and 1 heart) are planted. Above the flowering female flower sections, there should be 5-6 leaves; female flowers of good quality have large corolla and bright yellow color. Calyx wide and green, ovary longer, slightly enlarged near the pedicel, dark green color, pedicel thickness of 0.2 cm or more, the ovary when the flowering sagging. 6. Roots: Normal roots should be thick and white, otherwise they may be caused by low soil temperature, improper watering, and excessive fertilizer.

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