The elderly should be promptly added nutrients

What nutrients are missing in the elderly?

While many elderly people are concerned about "rich diseases," the lack of nutrients cannot be ignored. Recently, Galice Slatke, a clinical dietitian and researcher at Northwestern Hospital in the US, stated that because of the decline in body absorptive capacity, and the deterioration of the sense of smell and taste, many elderly people will experience severe nutrient loss. In accordance with the importance of physical needs, experts have given the elderly the most vulnerable to missing, but also the most need to add several categories.


The metabolism of the elderly will slow down by 30%, and the use of protein will be reduced. However, the ability to catabolize is increased. Therefore, protein deficiency may easily occur, which can lead to indigestion, diarrhea, etc., or dry skin, sagging, etc. may occur. Problems and deaths caused by other diseases.

Galissa Slater said that elderly people should intake protein in an amount of 1 to 1.25 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. Zhang Jian, Director of Gerontology and Clinical Nutrition at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that eggs, milk, fish, shrimp, lean meat, etc. all contain high-quality animal protein, and the highest protein content of soybean is highest in plant protein. .

Calcium and Vitamin D

After investigating 843 50-80-year-olds, the Second People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province found that almost all people have different levels of calcium deficiency, which is related to the decrease of bone density and loss of bone mass caused by aging. The vitamin D in our body relies on the sun for its own creation or multivitamin preparations. However, with aging, the ability of the skin to make vitamin D will become weaker and weaker. This can easily lead to calcium deficiency fractures in the elderly.

According to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, elderly people in China need to consume 1000-1500 mg of calcium daily; US experts suggest that the elderly can supplement 50 micrograms of vitamin D daily.

Vitamin C, E

The British nutritionist Joseph Pisso stated in the book “Total Health” that 20% to 50% of the elderly lack vitamin C; 23% of men and 15% of women lack vitamin E.

According to our country’s regulations, the average daily dietary vitamin C supply is 60 milligrams per day, and it is even better for daily servings of 100 milligrams to 200 milligrams of vitamin C tablets. Otherwise, problems such as indigestion, irritability and slow growth are prone to occur. The lack of vitamin E may lead to decreased blood vessel elasticity and dry skin. Various vegetable oils are the best source of vitamin E. If oral vitamin E preparations, the daily dose should be less than 300 mg.


Of all kinds of minerals, iron is the most vulnerable nutritional ingredient for the elderly. The results of the “National Nutrition and Health Survey Survey for Chinese Residents” in 2002 showed that 21.5% of the elderly aged over 60 in China suffer from anaemia, which is closely related to iron deficiency. The elderly usually eat vegetal fiber foods and suffer from chronic diseases. Taking long-term use of tetracycline and antacids, for example, can affect the absorption and utilization of iron. In order to supplement iron, the elderly should eat more animal foods such as animal blood, internal organs and lean meat.

B vitamins

Full Health pointed out that more than 20% of the elderly lack B vitamins, of which 71% of men and 91% of women lack vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 deficiency is more common. The lack of such nutrients is likely to cause metabolic disorders, cause loss of appetite, and may induce many diseases such as constipation, neuritis and so on.

Fan Zhihong, associate professor of nutrition and food safety at the Food College of China Agricultural University, points out that the most common sources of B vitamins are coarse grains, beans, and potatoes. If you replace the two fine white rice noodles you eat in a day with coarse grains, your intake of vitamin B1 from your staple food can be increased by a factor of four.


This lack of nutrients is more common in the elderly. It is important for maintaining a sound nervous system and regulating heart rhythm and preventing stroke. Beans, lean meats, dairy products, eggs, bananas, etc., are all rich in potassium. The content of potassium in fruit juice, vegetable soup and gravy is also relatively abundant. However, renal failure caused by high blood potassium diet.


A survey of zinc status in more than 600 Chinese elderly people showed that serum zinc levels in the elderly were significantly lower than those in young people, and zinc intake did not reach the recommended standard of 15 mg per day. Many common diseases of the elderly, such as diabetes, cancer, and infection, can cause zinc deficiency. In addition, the elderly like to eat light diet, poor digestion and absorption, but also cause the lack of zinc. After zinc deficiency, many elderly people will experience problems such as lack of appetite. It is recommended that the intake of animal foods such as meat, poultry, fish, and eggs be properly increased.


Some studies have pointed out that there are many elderly patients with diabetes in China, and there is a certain correlation with chromium deficiency in the elderly. Chromium deficiency may also lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as decreased immunity. Beer yeast, black pepper, meat and dairy products, and whole grains have higher levels of chromium, while refined grains and sugars have very little chromium.


The data in Complete Health shows that the elderly can obtain 15%-25% of magnesium from their daily diet. Under normal circumstances, people will not lack magnesium, but if the diet is unreasonable, partial eclipse, eating too delicate is easy to lack; the small amount of food for the elderly, coupled with chronic diseases, may also lead to magnesium deficiency. If calf cramps often occur, it should not be blindly treated as calcium deficiency. Instead, doctors should be promptly inspected to see if it is magnesium deficiency.

Kegel Ball

Spice Novelties Co.,Limited ,