Eggplant summer high-yield cultivation technology, help you avoid the price low price to sell a good price

Eggplant is also known as Luosu, Kunlun melon, cheese crisp, grass armor, and short melon. Native to India, it was introduced to China more than a thousand years ago. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in all parts of China, and it has become one of the main vegetables that people eat in summer. In order to avoid the price drop in July and obtain the price advantage in the later period, has compiled the cultivation techniques of increasing the yield and income of eggplant over the summer. .


1. Timely early sowing, thinning and breeding

Wheat bran eggplant generally grows from late April to late May. When planting seedlings, you should choose a plot with high dryness and good drainage. In order to prevent exposure to the sun and rain, you need to take a shed.

Variety selection: The varieties that are resistant to disease, heat, and growth should be selected for germination and sowing.

Bed soil disinfection: disinfection with 50% carbendazim 800-1000 times solution.

Seeding and planting: The seeding should be rare, to prevent the seedlings from growing up, and not to divide the seedlings directly after planting.

To facilitate robust seedlings, seedling can be sprayed 2 to 3 times in 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 0.2% urea mixture.

2. Apply enough base fertilizer, high ridge cultivation

After the wheat crop, gripping soil preparation, fertilization, 667 m2 manure 5000-7000 kg phosphate 50 kg, 50 kg urea, 30 kg of fertilizer, then ridge. The wheat bran eggplant must be cultivated with small high ridges in order to achieve the ability to drain and dry. In order to prevent weeds, 100 grams of trifluralin can be sprayed on the 667 square meters of water and mixed with the topsoil.

3. Timely colonization

Eggplant wheat stubble in late June planting, ridge distance 80 ~ 100cm, spacing 30 ~ 40cm, 667 m2 planted from 1500 to 2000.

If planting too early, facing the high temperature will lead to the flowering of the rainy season, could easily lead to shattering phenomenon; planting too late, the plants did not Huanmiao entered the hot and humid season, it could easily lead to less root, seedling weak, sick and other reasons can not be summering, therefore reasonably timely planting, so that the results after the peak of the summer.

When planting, it is necessary to bring bandits to prevent wilting. It is better to plant them after 4 pm, and they should be planted with them.

4. Strengthen fertilizer and water management

After planting, pay attention to cultivating and weeding, timely drainage and flood control; stalks can be used to restrain weeds between ridges, and can also play the role of cooling and reducing moisture and preventing rotten fruit;

Timely topdressing and watering, the door stalks do not dry before pouring, to control water, to promote the nursery sturdy and strong, when the majority of the plant's door stalks "blinking" when the end of the seedlings, timely pouring and promoting fruit fertilizer, 667 square meters Shi Urea 10 kg.

In the result period, the “four-party bucket” of “the eggplant” rapidly expands, and the demand for water and fertilizer reaches a peak. According to the weather conditions, it is usually poured once every 5 to 7 days, once every 1 time, 1 time quick-acting fertilizer, 667 square meters of urea. 10 to 15 kg.

At the peak of the evening, 0.2% urea + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.8% superphosphate can be sprayed in the evening.

5. Reasonable pruning

Because the lower leaves of the genus are easy to germinate with the side branches, the stalk should be removed from the side branches below the stalk, and only the scorpion branches are retained.

In the middle and late stages of eggplant growth, the old leaves of the genus should be completely destroyed. The main purpose is to reduce nutrient consumption, which is conducive to ventilation and reduce disease occurrence.

6. Timely prevention and control of pests and diseases

1 Disease: The main disease of eggplant cultivation in summer is verticillium wilt and cotton blight

In the early stage of the onset of verticillium wilt, the roots are filled with 30% DT fungicide 350 times solution, or 50% carbendazim 800 times plus 50% methyl thiophanate 500 times solution. If you want to cure, you must choose red stalk for graft cultivation.

When the rainy season arrives, attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of swollen diseases. Alternative treatments such as carbendazim, killing, anti-virus, and toxic mycelium can be used.

2 Pests: The main insect pests of eggplant cultivation in summer are red spiders and sassafras. While preventing and controlling jaundice, it can also effectively kill red spiders.

When the tea yellow mites harm the young fruit, they mainly gather at the top of the fruit, leaving a large "scar" after the fruit grows up, which seriously affects the appearance quality of the eggplant and reduces the economic benefits.

The initial stage of the scutellariae is 1000 times solution of Qiqisu, 1500 times solution of Nissolang, 1000 times of 20% chlorpyrifos, and 7 times for 7 to 10 days, even spraying 3 times, pay attention to the back and tenderness of the sprayed leaves. Young parts such as stems, stems, and young fruits.

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