How to eat croissant crispy melon

How to eat croissant crispy melon

First, fried croissant crispy melon

Ingredients: a squash crispy melon, eight base shrimp, a chicken breast, a red pepper, onion ginger garlic, soy sauce, salt, starch, pepper amount.


1. Slice the chicken breast and marinate it with soy sauce, pepper and salt. The base shrimp is cooked and peeled.

2, croissant honey melon peeled and seeded, cut into suitable small pieces, the marinated chicken breast meat and appropriate amount of starch, peanut oil and mix well.

3, wok hot fire and add peanut oil, the right amount of onion ginger garlic red pepper stir-fry, add the chicken breast stir fry.

4, when the color of the chicken breast begins to change white meat no longer soft collapse, pour into the base shrimp and squash honey melon pieces stir fry, add salt and continue to stir fry, until the melon pieces crushed off the fire plate.

Second, shrimp croissant crispy melon fried rice

Ingredients: shrimp, croissant, melon, corn, carrot, salt.


1. Peel the shells to the mud, cut the carrots, and cut the sesame honey melons into small pieces.

2. Pour the shrimp oil into the pot and pour the corn kernels and carrots directly. Stir fry for two minutes and add the stripped shrimp.

3. Shrimp fried into semi-ripe state and pour the rice into rice. Mix the rice and the side dish quickly and stir well. Add the fried rice to the squash honey melon, and stir all the ingredients to add a little salt to the pan.

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