Spring Cucumber Hybrid Hybrid Seed Production Technique

Cucumbers are cross-pollinated insect-borne crops. There are three main methods for hybrid seed production:

The method of artificial emasculation and pollination is to remove the female male flower or male plant artificially, and then let him or her pollen artificially or artificially pollinate.

Use of female breeding methods: Cucumber plants are generally male and female, and there are more male flowers than female flowers, but there are also female-type plants. The system with this stable genetic property obtained through breeding is “female”. The use of females for the seed production of cucumber hybrids can eliminate the need for artificial emasculation, thereby reducing the cost of hybrid seed production.

Chemical emasculation seed production method: the use of ethephon treatment, that is sprayed at the seedling stage of cucumber 100 ~ 150 mg / kg concentration of ethephon 2 to 3 times, can achieve the effect of inhibiting male flowers. However, in different regions, due to different climatic conditions, the concentrations used are different. First of all, in the local natural conditions, after the tests of different concentrations, find out the most appropriate concentration.

Cucumber hybrid seed production, Shandong Province, late April to mid-July, the temperature, light and other climatic conditions for cucumber growth and development, and pollinating insects, female flowers can be more fully pollinated, seed production is high, the cost is low. Therefore, regardless of greenhouses, greenhouse cucumbers, spring cucumbers, and summer and autumn cucumbers, as long as the implementation of the natural isolation zone, can be used spring hybrids. Its main hybrid seed production techniques are as follows:

First, the choice of seed production

Although the cucumber is a thermophilic crop, it has a cool and cool climate. The fruit develops well at a relatively low temperature and is prone to disease in a high-temperature, humid environment. Cucumbers are also shallow root crops. They are not tolerant to drought and are afraid of earthworms. They should choose lands with fertile land, rich organic matter, good air permeability, flat terrain, and easy irrigation to avoid heavy crops. Cucumbers are cross-pollination crops and hybrids for production use. Segregation zones between different species are at least 1,000 meters or more, and obstacles can be more than 500 meters.

Second, the selection of the parent broadcast date

When cucumbers are hybridized and seeded, high quality of hybrid seeds must be ensured. Parental strains must be completely removed before leaving the seed. The male parent only uses the pollen of the male flower and cannot hybridize after crossing. Only when the female flower of the female parent is left open, the impurity is identified based on the fruit shape, peel color and other characteristics. Therefore, the male parent is generally sowed 15 to 20 days earlier than the female parent to provide high-purity pollen as soon as possible by removing the hybrid strain.

Third, nurture strong seedlings

Seed production with a shorter age, generally about 35 days, strong seedlings standard: cotyledons, leaves thick green hypertrophy. Petioles short, internodes short, stout stems. The roots are well-developed, free of pests and diseases, and 3 to 4 leaves are one heart. Cultivating strong seedlings is the basis for increasing the yield of cucumber seeds.

1. Seed Disinfection, Soaking, and Germination: Diseases transmitted by cucumber seeds include anthracnose, bacterial keratoses, and scab. Before sowing, it is necessary to select new seeds that are full of seeds for disinfection. One of the methods is to soak seed in 72.2% Prolac lotion or 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800 times for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and place it in warm water at 25-35°C. Soak for 3-5 hours to soak seed. Formalin can also be used for 100-fold immersion for 30 minutes to prevent bacterial leaf spot and anthrax. The second is to soak seeds in water at 50-55°C for 10-15 minutes, then soak in seeds for 3-5 hours to kill germs. During the soaking period, it should be washed several times repeatedly to wash away the mucus on the surface of the seed, then dry the water and place it on a 4-6 layer covered cloth or a 2-3 layer towel in an environment of 25-30°C (preferably on the In the incubator, germination occurs, budding occurs day and night, and budding time of the Chen seeds is prolonged. Seeds can be sown by exposing most of the seed germ roots.

2. Pre-planting preparation and sowing: The root regeneration ability of cucumber is relatively weak, and it is generally used to cultivate seedlings. Before sowing, choose a well-lit land with a flat surface and convenient management as a nursery bed. Put seedlings and soils in nursery beds. Use newspapers to make cylinders with diameters of 8 cm and heights of 8 to 10 cm. The plastic bags of the specifications are cut off at the bottom corners, filled with nutritious soil and piermed in the nursery bed. Nutrient soil requires loose texture, high humus content, good air permeability, and no virus. In recent years, it has not been planted with melon garden soil and high-quality soil miscellaneous fertilizer and quick-effect fertilizer. The method is: two garden soils, one soil miscellaneous fertilizer, compound fertilizer 0.5 kg/m3; or 100 kg nutrient soil (garden soil miscellaneous fertilizer) plus 100-150 g diammonium phosphate and carbonic acid 50- 100 g. A few days before sowing, the seedbed was irrigated with water, the cover film was “baked” and the temperature was raised while the cover soil was covered with a film. Spray water again before sowing. After the water seeps, sprinkle a layer of disinfectant on top to prepare for sowing.

At the time of sowing, the Lunan region is generally conducted in the middle or late March or early April. Place a well-grown seed on each pod and put the radicle down, then sprinkle 1.5 to 2 cm thick fine soil and insert the arch cover. The father does not broadcast 15 to 20 days earlier than the mother. If the female parent live broadcast (after frost break on April 20th), the father can sow it later.

3. Seed management

1 sowing to emergence: In this period of time, the focus of seedbed management is the temperature management, straw cover early cover, warm insulation, airtight, as soon as possible emergence.

2 Emergence to the heart-breaking period: seedlings can be ventilated after the seedlings to reduce the humidity of the seedbed, and properly control the temperature to prevent the occurrence of damping-off and blight. In case of low temperature and high humidity in rainy days, sprinkle a layer of fine dry earth or 0.5% mancozebite to prevent the occurrence of damping off. At the beginning of the ventilation, the amount of ventilation should be gradually increased from small to large, the ventilation openings should be from one point to multiple points, and the ventilation openings should also constantly change positions.

3 broken heart to 3 to 4 true leaf period: This period should strengthen bed temperature management, increase the temperature difference between day and night, not only to ensure the normal growth of seedlings, but also to promote the differentiation of flower buds. When the first leaf of the seedling is unfolded, it can be peeled off during the day and covered in the evening. If there is a lack of water in the seedbed, you may choose to pour some warm water in the morning or evening. 7 to 10 days before planting, the temperature should be controlled a little lower to carry out the hardening of the seedlings. There is no frost at night, and it is not necessary to cover the film and straw curtain to gradually adapt to the weather conditions in Daejeon to prepare for planting.

Fourth, timely planting, pruning and field management

Prior to planting, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied. In general, 5,000 kg of high-quality soil-fertilizer per acre and 10-15 kg of potash fertilizer should be applied as a base fertilizer at one time. Topdressing mainly nitrogen fertilizer, a little topdressing compound fertilizer, several times topdressing. Generally before the insertion, after the end of pollination and the middle and late stages of plant growth, they are applied one at a time, applying about 15 kg per acre. Colonization was selected on a sunny day. Lunan region was planted from the end of April to the beginning of May. The planting density was 3500-5000 plants per acre, and the row spacing was 60 cm 25-30 cm. The ratio of natural pollination between the female parent and the male parent was 3-4:1. Artificial pollination is 7-10:1.

When planting, first open the ditch or open the nest and then plant the seedlings with water. The water should be poured with small ditch water or sink water (but should be thoroughly penetrated). After planting, we need to scratch early, control watering, more cultivating and weeding, and keep warming to promote root development. Timely insertion and binding of vines to reduce the incidence. The branching of the main vines from the 7th to the 8th leaves should be wiped off as early as possible; the species with the main side branch results, and the side branches of 7 leaves or more can be seen leaving 2 to 3 leaves after the melon.

V. Cross-pollination and post-pollination management

1. Preparation before Pollination: Before pollination, parents and mother Honda should be removed, and the bad, mutant, and suspicious strains in the father and mother Honda should be removed, and impurity removal work should be repeated throughout the growing season. The main nectarine cultivar, from the 8th to the 10th, began to stay in the melons, and each cultivar may have 3 to 5 seeds. The female flowers, male flowers and fruits that were used for the female parent were removed on the day before the pollination. In addition to the above natural hybrids, we must also ensure that a male flower in the mother's field is not allowed to open and natural pollination is reserved. No pollinating bees could release peaks or artificially assisted pollination.

2. Flower clip: The mother Honda prepares to retain the corolla of the female flower that will be in full bloom the next day (see the big flower bud of the corolla) and clamp it with a metal wire or trap it with a paper bank (paper library: about 1 cm in diameter, 2. 5 to 3 centimeters), also clamped by small plastic clips.

3. Picking male flowers and storage: On the evening before the pollination, the buds that will be opened by Father Honda the next day will be taken off, placed in a cool place, covered with a damp cloth, or placed in a container with moist spun yarn. Newspapers and other objects to moisturize and prevent pollen contamination. You can also use the wire or paper library to hold or catch the yellow buds that will be open on the next day. Use it directly the next day.

4. Pollination: Remove the metal wire from the female Honda female flower, remove the corolla of the male flower, gently apply the pollen on the stigma of the female flower, and then use a wire, etc. to clamp the corolla of the female flower to prevent unintended crosses. After the pollination is finished, attach a marked mark to the fruit section and wait until the melons expand to form a commercial melon. After the melons and the deformed melons are eliminated, mark the fruit with red paint again to prevent miscellaneous melons and non-humans. On the pollination melon mixed.

5. Field management after pollination: After the end of pollination, it is necessary to chase fertilizer once again to strengthen the management of the mother Honda. To top it up in time, the topping is generally started from the 22nd to 25th of the main vine, and the fruits without pollination are removed promptly. Reduce the nutrient consumption of the plant and maintain the growth of the plant.

Sixth, pest control

Cucumber has more pests and diseases, and it mainly controls downy mildew, bacterial keratoses and powdery mildew in the spring. Generally, 40% of metalaxyl is sprayed 600 times or 60% of chlorothalonil 600 times in the seedbed. After the planting, a certain disease was found. In the early stage, the patient should be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. The patient should be given the right medicine every time. It should be sprayed once every 7-10 days, and it should be continued 2 or 3 times to prevent the progression of the disease.

1. Downy mildew: 40% metalaxyl can be used 600 times, 60% chlorothalonil 600 times, 40% synergistic 500 times, 500 times, etc., at the beginning of the attack .

2. Bacterial keratoses: 50% metalaxyl wettable powder 600 times, 30% DT bactericide 500 times, agricultural streptomycin 200 ppm or neophytin 150-200 ppm, sprayed at the early stage of the disease.

3. Powdery mildew: 15% Trifenin 800-1000 times, 60% Chlorothalonil 610 times or Sulphuric acid suspension 250-300 times.

Seven, seed harvesting and post-natal treatment

The melons are generally 40 to 45 days after pollination. The pericarp is obviously discolored and appears yellow or yellow-brown and begins to soften. At this time, it can be harvested. When you harvest, you must carefully examine the hybridization markers and find that the suspects are thrown away in time. After picking, the melons should be kept in shaded and ventilated place for 10 to 15 days. Then the melons and seeds are cut into non-metallic containers and fermented for 12 to 24 hours. Rinse with clean water and spread it on mats or other mats. Do not expose it to sunlight to prevent burns and reduce germination. After the seeds are dried, the impurities are removed and the seeds are not enriched.

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