Three Advanced Hybrid Techniques for Rabbits

Spring is the golden season for rabbits to breed, and they are struggling to breed two nests. Therefore, to master the female estrus period (7-15 days estrus 1 time, each estrus lasted 3-4 days), timely breeding. The performance of female oestrous estrus is that the genitals are red and swollen, and some of them also run out of mucus from the vagina, and squeak and cry. They run around and run out of the rabbit house. At this time, mating should be performed when the female rabbit has a large red genital area. In order to increase the conception rate, the following three advanced breeding techniques must be adopted:

First, repeated mating method. According to the characteristics that the female rabbit can ovulate after being stimulated, the same species of male rabbit is used for the second time 7-8 hours after the first mating. This method can not only improve the female rabbit's conception rate, but also increase the birth rate.

Second, dual mating method. In the estrus period of the female rabbit, two male rabbits of the same breed are bred, and the first male rabbit is mated for 5 to 10 minutes after mating, and then the second male rabbit is mated. This method can increase the number of ovulation of female rabbits, increase litter size, and enhance the physique and life ability of pups.

Third, blood allocation (heat distribution, frequency breeding method). After using the female rabbit to give birth

One to two days can be the characteristics of estrus and abortion, so that maternal 1-2 days after birth, re-mating. In this way, more fetuses can be obtained in one breeding period and rabbits can be multiplied. Using this method, it is required that the rabbit must be weaned 26-28 days. The best way is to get the “nanny” to feed after the rabbit is born, and to strengthen the nutrition of the female rabbit. If the weight of the female rabbit drops significantly, it should stop With blood, in order to avoid the decline of the mother's constitution.

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