Sweet potatoes want high yield and high yield, planting seedlings is the key!

Recently, the price of sweet potato is still quite considerable. Now there are many farmers who grow sweet potatoes. In the process of planting sweet potatoes, the most important thing is to plant seedlings. Whether it is raising seedlings or buying seedlings, what are the skills of sweet potato planting?


1, time

Generally, when the soil temperature is stable above 18 degrees, it is suitable for spring potato planting. In the summer and autumn potato areas in the south, summer potatoes are usually planted in May, and autumn potatoes are usually planted in early July to early August. Autumn and winter potato areas in the south, autumn potatoes are generally planted in early July to mid-August, and winter potatoes are usually planted in November.

2, planting density

The water and fertilizer conditions should be thin, the poor land should be dense; the long growing period should be thin, the short should be dense; the early planting should be thin, the late planting should be dense; the long vine variety should be thin, the short vine variety should be dense; The flat insertion method should be thin, straight, oblique, and the boat should be inserted. Generally, spring and summer potatoes with a long growth period are planted with 3000-5000 plants per acre; summer and autumn potatoes with short growth periods are planted with 4000-6000 plants per acre, and winter potatoes are recommended to be planted with 4000-5000 plants.


3, planting method

(1) Direct interpolation

There will be 3-4 sections, 17-20 cm long potato seedlings, 2-3 sections inserted about 10 cm in depth, and 1-2 sections will remain outside the soil. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to absorb the water and nutrients in the lower layer of the soil, improve the drought tolerance, slow the seedlings, concentrate the potatoes, and have more large potatoes, which is convenient for mechanical harvesting. However, due to the small number of potato seedlings entering the soil, the location of the sweet potato is small, which affects the yield of sweet potato. It should be used in dry sand or hilly slopes.

(2) oblique interpolation

Generally, 20-25 cm long seedlings are cut obliquely in the ridge soil. There are many festivals in the soil, and there are a few more nuclear plants. The potato on the knot near the ground is relatively large, and the potato on the lower section is small, not even potato. The number of plants per unit area can be increased appropriately. It is most commonly used in field cultivation in various places, and is more suitable for areas with medium and relatively shallow water and fertilizer conditions.

(3) Flat planting method

Generally, the seedlings with a length of 20-30 cm are used. When planting, the shallow ditch is opened along the ridge, and the seedling is placed in a shallow soil layer 10 cm deep under the ridge surface. The shoot tips are exposed and the cover soil is tight. Large sections can produce roots and potatoes, rarely empty sections, and more potatoes and evenly. With good water and fertilizer conditions, high yield can be obtained.

However, this kind of sweet potato has poor drought resistance. In case of adverse environmental conditions such as high temperature, drought, and soil thinness, it is difficult to protect the seedlings, and it is prone to lack of seedlings or plants, and the lack of potato is insufficient to cause small potatoes. The rate increases and affects production. This method is widely used in large-area and high-yield cultivation.

(4) Ship shape method

The middle part of the potato seedlings is bent downwards and pressed into the soil. The tip of the seedlings and the leaves of the knots are exposed, and the human soil is in the shape of a boat. Due to the large number of people's soil festivals, most of the festivals are close to the soil surface, and there is a possibility of potato formation, but the potato in the middle part of the potato seedlings has less and less potato. This kind of planting method should be adopted under the conditions of fertile soil and no drought.

(5) Pressure rattan method

The topped potato seedlings are all pressed into the soil, and the potato leaves are exposed to the surface, and then the soil is compacted and then watered. Due to the tipping before insertion, the top advantage is destroyed, and the cuttings can be made early, and the branches are sprouted. Rooting and potato, more stems and more leaves, promote the potato and more potatoes, this kind of sweet potato is not easy to grow, but the early performance is poor, labor and labor. This method is used for small-area planting or summer potato planting.


4, planting technology

It is best to use virus-free top seedlings. In order to prevent the disease of potato seedlings, it is recommended to use pesticide soaking seedlings to prevent black potato black spot disease. You can teach 1000-2000 times liquid with 50% carbendazim WP, or 50% thiophanate Wettable powder 500-700 times liquid, soaked seedling base 6-10 cm for about 10 minutes

The above is the technology of sweet potato planting seedlings. As one of the more important economic crops, the demand for sweet potatoes on the market is relatively large. Farmers who grow sweet potatoes can master the above planting techniques, and there is no problem in high yield and high yield.

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