Causes of Watermelon Psychosis Caused by High Temperature and Its Prevention and Control Measures

Causes of Watermelon Psychosis Caused by High Temperature and Its Prevention and Control Measures

Watermelon encounters a constant high temperature and drought during its growth, causing watermelon to sit in the flowering stage. According to years of research, the main reason is that due to the high temperature and drought conditions in the weather, the humidity in the air is relatively small, and the soil moisture content is low. In the process of growing watermelon plants, although there are male flowers, the pollen of the male flowers is not well developed, resulting in inactive pollen sperm. The female flower cannot be completely fertilized, so the phenomenon of melons can not be produced.

In actual production, encountering the above climate, coupled with partial application of nitrogen fertilizer by melon farmers, is also an important reason for causing melon. When the temperature is high and drought, the male flowers of the watermelon will be stunted. At this time, a large number of watering irrigations are performed. Due to the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, the watermelon plants grow indefinitely, thus making it difficult for the watermelon plants to set fruit. If this happens, immediate measures should be taken to restore the loss and achieve a good harvest.

1, when the growth of watermelon vines does not exceed 1.5 meters, such as the emergence of the above-mentioned adverse weather, timely watering phosphate fertilizer, the ratio of 5/1000, that is, 1000 kg of water by adding 5 kg of phosphorus fertilizer or potassium dihydrogen phosphate, each watering five Phosphorus fertilizer water.

2. When the length of melon vines does not exceed 3 meters, there are female flowers on the plants and artificially-assisted pollination should be performed. Seed watermelon varieties such as Teqing Dabao Hongbao Watermelon Wang, Qingfa No.8, Shaoqi Tyrannosaurus and Shaozi Dark Green Wang, can be used for Qingnong No. 3, Jingxin No. 1, Jinzhong Guanlong, Xinhongbao and other ordinary watermelon varieties. Pollen pollinated. The method of pollination is: Before 5 o'clock in the morning, pick male buds of ordinary watermelon, and put male flower buds in pots, cups, or containers that can maintain the humidity, and cover the plant leaves on the containers to keep the humidity. At 6 to 9 in the morning, when the female flower is open, the male flowers that are picked will naturally open and artificial pollination can be performed. Each male flower can grant 2 to 3 female flowers.

3. When the seed length of the watermelon seedlings is less than 3 meters, there are female flowers on the plants, and when there are no male flowers of ordinary watermelon varieties, the male flowers can be cultivated in their own land to produce active male pollen. The method is: a small piece of land in the watermelon field (generally, 30-50 pieces of land is allocated in one mu of melon field), and the plants in the male flower field should be poured with five-thousandths of phosphate fertilizer water. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used instead. The ground also has to be wetted to create a microclimate with relatively high humidity, and then collect the male flowers from this plot and pollinate the watermelon plants in other plots.

4, when the melon vines grow to 3 to 5 meters, no female flowers on the plant, should immediately cut the three vines, 1.5 meters long for each vine, to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, so that it re-new vines, stay in the new vines melon. During the drought and water shortage, five-thousandths of the amount of phosphate fertilizer was poured.

5, watermelon planting density is too large land, should pull out some plants, increase ventilation and light transmission. Then follow the above approach.


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