The abnormal diagnosis of cucumber seedlings in greenhouse

Seedlings of normal growth of cucumber, sowing four days or so cotyledons were opened at 75 degrees, the seedling hypocotyl from the ground 3 to 4 cm, 5 to 6 days cotyledon hypertrophy, dark green leaves, leaf margin slightly upward roll was spoon-shaped. In case of adverse environmental conditions, seedlings will appear abnormal. According to the performance of seedlings, determining the cause of the disease and taking effective measures are the key to ensure the normal growth and late yield of cucumber seedlings.

1. After sowing, the radicles do not go down and thicken, the roots are rust-colored, the cotyledons are small and twisted, the leaf margins are yellow, and then droop, which is caused by low ground temperature and high soil moisture.

2. The seedlings grow slowly, the cotyledons are small, and the leaf margins are reversed in shape, which is caused by the low temperature.

3. After the sunny weather was over, the seedlings were smashed and quickly recovered after returning to the fields. This was caused by the physical hunger caused by lack of light, the incoordination between the ground temperature and the temperature, and the lack of timely replenishment of the transpiration water.

4. The seedlings fight at noon, and the leaves are in a scorching state, which is caused by excessive temperature and strong sunlight.

5. The seedlings are weak, the cotyledons are thin, the color is light, and the hand feels soft, which is caused by the high night temperature.

6. The seedlings did not shrink long, the leaves were stiff and the leaf color was dark green, which was caused by insufficient soil moisture or excessive fertilization.

Syndromes of deficiency of Qi and blood (shortness of breath, laziness, white face, light tongue, or even deficiency of fat, weak pulse, etc.) can be used with Codonopsis Pilosula combined with Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice, angelica, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Paeoniae alba, and Ligusticum chuanxiong (such as Bazhen Decoction), in order to achieve the effect of both qi and blood Moreover, the previous experience believes that tonifying Qi can promote blood, strengthening spleen can help blood, so in the treatment of blood deficiency syndrome, Codonopsis pilosula is often used to tonify Qi and spleen to help blood. According to recent experiments, this product can increase hemoglobin and erythrocyte through spleen stimulation. In recent years, it has been used to treat various anemia with Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, raw land and cooked land.

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