Medicinal plant Bacillus membranaceus

Brasilia Rumex patientia L. It is a perennial herb of Polygonaceae. Take root medicine. With detoxification, blood circulation function. Distributed in the northeast, north and northwest.

Symptoms mainly affect the leaves, the leaves at the beginning of the onset have no obvious round or near-circular light brown lesions on the edges of the leaves, and the size is 3-6mm. When the humidity is high, the leaves are very fine white moulds on both sides, that is, the conidiophores of pathogenic bacteria and Conidia.

The pathogen is Ramularia rμmicis-crispi Saw. It is a fungus that is a fungus of the subphylum Aspergillus spp. The fruiting bodies are born on both sides of the leaf and have no children. The conidial stems 6-24 were radiate, colorless, without septa, no branches, and no geniculate ganglion. The top sometimes with short branches, conical or circular, size 16-482-2. 5 (μm). The conidia are cylindrical, the cells are colorless or have 1-2 diaphragms, constant strings, and no contracture at the diaphragm, 10-32-4 (μm).

Transmission Pathways and Pathogenic Conditions The pathogenic bacteria overwinter in the body of the mycelium, and the conidiospores in the following year are transmitted through the airflow for initial infection and reinfection. Northeastern China and North China occurred in August.

Control methods (1) Before the onset of the disease, spray 1:1:200-fold Bordeaux mixture or 60% Chlorhexidine WP 500-fold. (2) Spray 50% benomyl WP 1500 times or 36% thiophanate-methyl suspension 600 times at the onset.

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