Herbicides for celery growing season

There are many suitable drugs for control of grassy weeds in the growth period of celery, and they can be selected from fine quinoline, high-efficiency flupirtine (high-efficiency herb), clethodim, and oxazolyoxime. Generally weeds should be applied to the weeds. When they are in the 3-5 leaf stage, they should be applied with 5% quizalazine EC 40-60 ml per mu, or 10.8% fluphanopyril EC 50-40 ml, or 12% of clethodim EC is 35-40 ml, or 6.9% of fenoxazole oxime grass concentrate emulsion 50-60 ml, add 30-40 kg of water spray, increase the dosage when the grass age is larger. The broad-leaved weeds in the growing period of celery are more difficult to control with pesticides, and weeds should be controlled by soil closure before transplanting or before sowing. The applicable medicines are oxazone and oxyfluorfen (Gol). , Zhong Ding Ling and so on. Among them, oxyflufenazone and oxadiazone have better control effects on various broad-leaved weeds and some sedges that reproduce with seeds. Transplanting fields can also use Diformin, trifluralin and metolachlor (Dole) before transplanting. It is possible to use 33% of pendimethalin EC 100-150 ml per mu, or 100-150 ml of 48% trifluralin, or 125-150 ml of 25% clomazone EC, 72% of metolachlor. Emulsion 100 ml, add water 40-50 kg spray.

( Aged ) Black Garlic

Black garlic contains 18 kinds of amino acids, garlic-ene, peptides, polyphenols, active SOD, biological enzymes, glycosides, vitamins, lipids, trace elements, carbohydrates, green sulfur compounds, easily absorbed by the human body composition. The structure ratio is reasonable, and without any side effects. 


Aged Black Garlic,Organic Black Garlic,Fermented Black Garlic,Peeled Black Garlic

Zhucheng Tongxi Commercial And Trade Co.,Ltd. , https://www.blackgarlicgroup.com