Female summer health recipes Astragalus rice can raise liver

Although summer is not the best season for health, it is only in the summer that the body's indicators are molded to the best, so that work and study can be guaranteed in the second half of the year. Summer recipes for women are worth learning.

Female summer health recipes I. Astragalus rice

Astragalus 150 grams, 10 ml of ginger juice, 500 grams of rice, salt, peanut oil the right amount. The cricket will be slaughtered, viscera, boneless, washed and cut into slices, put on the dish, and mix ginger juice, salt, and peanut oil.

Put the washed glutinous rice in the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, boil it with the fire, and cook it with low heat.

After the moisture content is reduced by half, put the glutinous rice in the rice and continue cooking until cooked. There are benefits of liver and kidney, tune in the stomach.

Female summer health recipe II, yams jujube bean cake

Yam 50 grams, 30 grams of lentils, Chen Pisi 5 grams, jujube meat 50 grams, 150 grams of stick powder, sugar amount.

Wash the yams and lentils first and put them into a pot to cook them. The jujube meat will be shredded, and the sticky powder will be added with appropriate amount of water and into a pulp. Add yams, lentils, jujube meat and mix well.


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