There are ways to prevent onions "twins"

Onion is one of the vegetables that we often eat, but often due to sowing too early, before the winter seedlings are too large, excessive nitrogen fertilizer at the seedling stage, warm winter, late spring and other reasons, resulting in the second childbirth delivery, the formation of "twins." In addition, if the onset of the onset of seedlings suffers from insect pests, chemical fertilizer burns, human injury, etc., it will also result in two deliveries.

In recent years, there has been a high incidence of “twins” on onions, which seriously affects the value of commodities and should be prevented as soon as possible.

Breeding options. Single heart rate breeding can fundamentally reduce the incidence of twins and multiple births. Promote early nursery, early transplantation.

Pay attention to later water and fertilizer management. After bulb enlargement, pay attention to the balanced supply of water and fertilizer, reduce nitrogen fertilizer, increase potash fertilizer, and stop irrigation in the first ten days before onion harvest, in order to facilitate the natural dry shell onion, increase the storage capacity. When spreading fertilizers, they should not be scattered into leaf sheaths. Do not step on injured seedlings when managing.

Pest Control. Timely prevention of ground tigers, golden needles, cockroaches, beet armyworms, cockroaches and other pests on the heart of onion leaves and inject harmful saliva, resulting in onion growth mechanism disorders, reducing commercial. Underground pest mites and ground tigers can damage onion roots, causing slow growth, stagnation, and even death of plants. Because the plants that are damaged are reduced or stopped, water and fertilizer are captured, creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of neighboring plants, resulting in the growth of lush bulbs. Being too large increases the chance for the emergence of "twins" and "multiple births."

Prevent extreme heat and drought hazards. Onion long-term expansion to the appropriate temperature for the expansion of the bulb is 15 °C ~ 27 °C, more than 27 °C and continued for many days, it will harm the growth of onions. Continued drought, extreme high temperatures inhibit the normal growth of onions, stimulate the growth of lateral buds, easy to form twins, and more cells; therefore timely, timely light irrigation, ground irrigation to prevent the heat and drought hazards.

If you find that twins have occurred during onion growth, remove one of them with bamboo and keep one. Timely spraying general tree maintenance sterilizes and protects wounds from healing. After several days of wound healing, watering, topdressing, and spraying the fruit to get turmeric, make the underground fruit nutrient transportation conduit thicker, increase the vitality of the ground fruit, make the onion fruit surface smooth, robust fruit and so on.

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