Can purple cabbage be eaten raw? How to eat purple cabbage

Can purple cabbage be eaten raw?

Purple cabbage can be eaten raw

Raw purple cabbage can get more water-soluble vitamins, such as Victoria C, Victoria K.

Purple cabbage is best eaten raw salad, because it is slightly bitter, it is best cut into small pieces or filamentous, mixed with other vegetables, salad dressing or vinaigrette can be used to make salads.

Purple cabbage eaten raw can be the most anti-cancer antioxidant. Purple cabbage is rich in vitamin C, which is twice that of oranges. Purple cabbage, vitamin E and vitamin A and other antioxidant substances, purple cabbage can be sterilized anti-inflammatory raw, in which a variety of sulfur elements can bactericidal antipruritic, purple cabbage juice water can maintain skin health. Purple cabbage eaten raw also helps lower cholesterol, supplement all the cellulosic substances needed by the human body, and strengthen gastrointestinal motility. It is a good food ingredient for people with high blood lipids.


Raw cabbage can prevent bladder cancer

According to reports, at a recent meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, an expert from the Cancer Institute published a report saying that researchers investigated 275 bladder cancer patients and 825 healthy people, focusing on their consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage. Habitually.

This type of vegetable is rich in isothiocyanate that is believed to be effective against cancer. The results showed that those who do not smoke and eat more than three times a month such as cabbage, etc., have a 73% reduction in the risk of developing bladder cancer; regardless of whether they smoke or eat more than three times a month, they have the risk of bladder cancer. 40% lower.

However, the researchers also found that cooked cabbage has no anti-cancer effect and cooking will destroy 60% to 90% of isothiocyanates in cabbage.

The efficacy and effect of purple cabbage

Anti-aging, antioxidant

The anti-aging and antioxidant effects of purple cabbage are at the same high level as that of asparagus and cauliflower. It can improve human immunity, prevent colds, and protect the lives of cancer patients.

Liver protection

In the field of international medicine, cabbage is an important liver protection medicine, mainly for common liver diseases such as fatty liver, alcohol liver, and liver dysfunction.

The chemical composition of cabbage contains cysteine ​​and high-quality protein, which are important elements to assist liver detoxification. Cabbage can also stimulate cells to produce type II enzymes that are beneficial to humans.

Treating ulcers

Contains a kind of "ulcer healing factor", has a very good therapeutic effect on ulcers, can accelerate wound healing, is an effective food for patients with gastric ulcer.

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