Occurrence and control methods of pepper pests

(1) Harmful conditions This worm is an omnivorous pest that not only harms pepper trees, but also harms apple trees, plum trees, peach trees, and other fruit trees. Female adults are yellowish-white, secreting a white waxy body with flat worms under the oyster shell; male adults are orange-yellow and gregarious, sucking sap under the white waxy wax. The density of the larvae is often large, often causing the affected area to appear as a white film, causing a lack of moisture and nutrients, resulting in dead trunks of the pepper.
(2) Prevention and cure method 1 During the growth period, spray Baume 0.2 to 0.3 degrees lime sulfur or smash 1000 times or kill Weiwei 150 times, and spray it 2 to 3 times after 20~25 days after the larvae first saw.
2 In the winter of pepper-tree deciduous stage or dormant period of early spring pepper trees, spray 5 degrees lime sulfur solution 1 or 2 times.
3 Usually, 3 to 5 rubs are applied to the damaged parts of the trunk with kerosene.

Tattoo Machine is a hand-held device generally used to create a tattoo, a permanent marking of the skin

with indelible ink. Modern tattoo machines use electromagnetic coils to move an armature bar up and down,

Connected to said armature bar is a barred needle grouping that pushes ink into the skin. Tattoo artists generally

use the term "machine", or even "iron", to refer to their equipment. The word "gun" is often used but many

tattoo professionals dislike it. Then there are the Tattoo machines which are available at the numerous Tattoo

Supplies stores. These are also known as Tattoo Guns. There is a vast selection of stylish tattoo guns which are

made out of Iron, Copper steel and Top carbon steel and they are designed for lines and shading of the intricate

design on the Tattoo. Then you get the Tattoo Needles of different sizes and shapes enclosed in individual

envelopes.They carry nearly everything a tattoo operation demands or even needs as well at truly competitive prices

for quality items.

Middling Tattoo Machine

Middling Tattoo Machine, Middling Tattoo Machines

Redtop Tattoo Supply Co., Limited , http://www.redtop-tattoo.com