Simulated pancreas fine hypoglycemic injection as low as 0.05 u / h

Release date: 2006-11-13

Simulated pancreas fine hypoglycemic injections as low as 0.05u / hour Medtronic launched the latest insulin pump "easy pump" in China
Beijing, November 4, 2006 -- Medtronic, the world's leading medical technology company, today announced the launch of the latest insulin pump “Easy Pump”. Easy Pump offers the most accurate, flexible and advanced insulin infusion method available.
Designed for Chinese patients, the Easy Pump uses a Simplified Chinese interface that is as large as the early BP machine and can be hung on the patient's belt or hidden under the clothes. It has a humanized design with large doses of shortcuts, vibration alarms, etc. The infusion accuracy has reached the current minimum of 0.05 units per hour, truly fine sugar reduction, and millions of safety self-tests per day ensure the loss. The note is safe and reliable.
The insulin pump injects insulin subcutaneously into the patient through a small tube for 24 hours, simulating the way in which the normal human pancreas secretes insulin, so it is also called "artificial pancreas". Insulin pump treatment can make blood sugar easier to obtain satisfactory control, prevent or delay the occurrence and development of acute and chronic complications of diabetes, help patients get rid of the trouble of multiple injections every day, and let patients regain their freedom.
Insulin pump therapy is suitable for patients with type 1 diabetes who are treated with insulin injection and type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycemic control. Due to its remarkable clinical effects, insulin pump treatment is increasingly recognized by Chinese medical staff.
On October 19, 2006, Hu Shaojie, who had been afflicted with diabetes for 30 years and became blind, became the first diabetic patient in China to use the “easy pump” insulin pump. Hu Shaojie, who is blind and blind, can use the insulin pump correctly with the help of his family. On October 26, Hu Shaojie was discharged from the hospital, and her severely fluctuating blood sugar status has stabilized. It is estimated that the number of people with diabetes in China has exceeded 40 million, ranking second in the world, second only to the United States, and the growth rate is staggering. Diabetic patients with poor long-term glycemic control can develop a series of complications such as blindness, renal failure, heart disease, and stroke. The use of insulin injection to control blood sugar is one of the effective means of treating diabetes. Nearly 200,000 people in China have used insulin to treat diabetes. However, ordinary insulin injection methods are prone to cause hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia due to large differences in absorption, difficulty in precise control of doses, and the like. At the same time, traditional injection methods have greatly affected the free lifestyle of patients.
About Medtronic Diabetes: Medtronic's Diabetes Division (http://) is a global leader in insulin pump therapy and continuous blood glucose monitoring. The company's products include external insulin pumps, continuous blood glucose monitoring systems and related disposable products and system management software.
About Medtronic: Medtronic (http://), headquartered in Minneapolis, USA, is a global leader in medical technology, providing relief and recovery to millions of people around the world And extended life services. Figure: Medtronic insulin pump

A selection of fresh Red Fuji Apples with a diameter of 80mm.
Reducing blood fat: the Japanese fruit tree Institute's human test showed that eating two apples a day, 3 weeks later, the level of triglycerides in the blood of the subjects decreased by 21%, and the level of triglycerides was the culprit of vascular sclerosis. When apple pectin enters the body, it binds to bile acids, absorbs excess cholesterol and triglycerides like a sponge, and then passes them out of the body. At the same time, apple decomposition of acetic acid is conducive to the catabolism of these two substances. In addition, Apple's vitamins, fructose, magnesium and so on can also reduce their content.

Cancer prevention: the Hirosaki University in Japan has confirmed that polyphenols in apple can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. And a study in Finland is more exciting: the flavones contained in apples are an efficient antioxidant, not only the best blood vessel cleaning agent, but also the killer of cancer. If people eat more apples, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by 46%, and the chance of other cancers can be reduced by 20%. The latest research from the National Institutes of health of France also tells us that Proanthocyanidins from apples can prevent colon cancer.

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