Double film covered lettuce off-season cultivation

In the winter and spring season, the use of bamboo and wood structure simple plastic arch shed plus mulch film covering and other protection facilities to cultivate the off-season lettuce, the listing period of 30 to 40 days earlier than the conventional cultivation, yield of about 3500 kg per mu, per mu output value of 3,000 yuan.

1. Choose good breeds. Select white duck egg lettuce, cold winter white skin, purple skin and other varieties.

2. Cultivate strong seedlings. To plant seedlings in late September, 15 to 20 square meters of seedbeds and 50 grams of seed should be allocated per mu of farmland. Fill the bottom water, soak the seeds after the water has soaked, cover a thin layer of fine soil after sowing, cover the wheat straw or straw, or cover with the shade net to keep the soil moist. Immediately remove the cover after emergence. Seedlings 2 leaves 1 heart during the seedlings weeding, seedlings from 4 to 5 cm, and top 10% of human and animal manure water.

3. Reasonably dense planting. Choose clay soil or sandy soil with rich organic matter, good fertilizer and water retention. Apply organic manure and plow the soil 20 to 30 centimeters deep. Make it a width of 2 meters and lay a thin film on it. From late October to early November, 30 to 40 days of seedling age, when there are 4 to 6 leaves, choose robust seedlings without pest risk and plant them. The size of seedlings will be planted separately, with a spacing of 33 cm and a spacing of 30 cm. Immediately after planting, apply 5% to 10% of livestock and manure water to promote slow seedlings.

4. Timely baiting. When the temperature dropped to 3°C during the night, a shed of 1.7 meters high, 4.5 meters wide and 30 to 50 meters long was erected. A row of columns was erected in the shed, the distance between the columns was 3 meters, and the shed was covered with a film. After the shed, pay attention to ventilation and ventilation at noon on sunny days to prevent plant growth and premature twitching. According to the plant growth, spray 50% of BCST 1000 times solution or 150 mg/L paclobutrazol solution 1 or 2 times. When the fleshy stems are inflated and they encounter cold air, they should be covered with a layer of plastic film or shade net at night to prevent freezing damage.

5. Fertilizer management. Double film covering cultivation of lettuce should be a one-time application of base fertilizer, per acre application of organic fertilizer rot 4000 ~ 5000 kg, 45% NPK fertilizer 40 ~ 50 kg. After the leaves are opened for growth after planting, 20% of livestock and manure water per mu is 1500-2000 kg plus urea 5-7.5 kg or ammonium bicarbonate 10-15 kg. In the early stage of fleshy stem enlargement, combined with irrigation water, topdressing urea 20-25 kg per acre. The fertilization can not be too late and too much, otherwise the meaty stems are easy to crack. In the sunny morning, fertilize the water to avoid excessive humidity in the night shed.

6. Control pests. After the shed, attention should be paid to ventilation, loosening of dampness, and prevention of downy mildew. The prevention of botrytis and sclerotium disease should be performed during the expansion of fleshy stems. Good control of aphids and whiteflies.

7. Appropriate harvesting. Harvested in batches from late February to early March. Harvesting standard: The heart leaf is flush with the highest outer leaf, and the plant is flat at the top, and the fleshy stem has grown.

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