Winter greenhouse vegetable management

In winter, in addition to low temperatures, severe weather such as strong winds, continuous yin, and heavy snow will often occur, causing great damage to the growth of vegetables. Therefore, we must pay attention to listening to weather forecasts, take early preventive measures and post-disaster treatment, and reduce the incidence of disaster weather. Loss.
First, when the cold is encountered, the invasion of cold currents can cause severe damage to the vegetables in the deep winter greenhouses. In the case of severe cold, the following methods can be used to deal with the emergency. First, multiple layers of coverage, can be covered with a layer of film on the grass, can also be set in the shed Shed to increase insulation effect; second is to dig outside the shed to prevent the cold ditch earlier, can increase the temperature within the shed 2-3 degrees, in addition to pay special attention before the onset of the cold current, spray once again Tianda 2116 anti-freezing antifreeze damage.
Do not water the water too much. The water temperature in winter is too low. When it is cold in the winter, it will not be seen in the shed. The temperature of the shed will be low, and the ground temperature will be difficult to recover. It will cause rot, roots, or roots of vegetables and lead to the spread of various diseases. .
Second, if you encounter continuous shade when encountering yin yang, as long as the temperature is not too low, we must unveil the veil. If the sun is exposed for a short time, the temperature in the shed will increase. Hanging a light curtain on the back wall of the greenhouse will also play a role of lightening and warming on cloudy days. When there are more cloudy days in winter, it should cover the mulch film earlier, increase the temperature of the ground, and reduce the occurrence of low-temperature freezing damage. The temperature in the greenhouse in winter should be kept above 12°C. When the temperature is too low, heating measures such as electric heating and coal stove heating can be adopted.
Third, when it encounters snowfall, snow does not need to cover grasshoppers during the daytime. After the snow stops, the snow on the shed is immediately swept away. After covering the grass in the afternoon, a layer of film is added on the grasshoppers to strengthen the insulation. After night snowfall, the snow should be promptly removed after the snow stop the next day to keep the grasshopper dry. When the temperature permits, the seedlings should be seen in time. After the continuous cloudy snow weather suddenly clears, it should be separated by pulling or pulling first one-third, and observe the changes in seedlings, find wilting, immediately cover the grass rake, recover and then pull open to prevent the "shutter shed ". If it has caused wilting, it should be immediately sprayed on the leaves Tianda 2116 Zhuangmiaoling ease to close the leaf stomata, so that the transpiration of vegetables weakened, is conducive to rapid changes in the wilting state of the plant, return to normal.
Fourth, after the remedy of freezing First, after the shed vegetables are frozen, can not immediately close the shed to warm up, to make the temperature within the shed slowly rise, to avoid the sudden increase in temperature caused by frozen vegetables, tissue necrosis. The second is to timely remove frozen stems and leaves and fruits so as to avoid tissue moldy lesions and cause diseases. The third is to use Tianda hymexazant 6000 times, mix Tianda 2116 Zhuangmiaoling 1000 times, spraying 1-2 times to ensure rapid recovery.
V. Contingency measures for diseases and insect pests Common tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, rapeseed, etc., especially tomatoes are prone to epidemics and gray mold, because of prolonged low temperature, weakened vegetable growth, reduced resistance, and easy occurrence of pests and diseases . Early detection and early prevention should be made. For downy mildew and epidemic diseases, 72% of clenbuterol and 64% of antivirus are sprayed at 800 times; for gray mold, 50% of acetaminophen, Schmiedes, or xylon is sprayed 600 times, and once every 7 days to 10 days . To prevent the occurrence of diseases, we also need to spray 1000 times plant growth regulators such as green arrow and Huafu on the foliage to enhance the ability of plants to resist cold and disease. In the event of a cloudy day, use smoke or dust as much as possible to prevent disease, in order to reduce the humidity inside the greenhouse and avoid the occurrence of diseases.


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