The efficacy and effect of trichosanthin

The efficacy and effect of trichosanthin
[ Tianhuafen ] Tianhuafen is the dried root of the cucurbit plant or the double-sided tower. The whole country is produced in all parts of the country, and the quality of the producers in Anyang, Henan is good. Excavate in the autumn and winter seasons, wash, remove the outer skin, and cut thick slices. Used fresh or dry.
[Medicine] sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Return to the lungs, stomach.
[Efficacy] clearing heat and purging fire, thirst, reduce swelling and pus.
[Application] 1. The fever is polydipsia. This product is sweet and cold, it can not only clear the lungs and stomach, but also can produce thirst, so it is often used to treat fever and polydipsia. It can be used with reed rhizome and maimen winter; or with rehmannia root and schisandra, such as smallpox. San ("Renzhai Zhifang Fang"); take this product to thirst, with sand ginseng, Maimendong, Yuzhu, etc., can cure dry lung and stomach, throat dry thirst, such as sand ginseng Soup ("Warm Diseases").
2. The lungs are hot and dry. This product can not only purify the fire to clear the lungs, but also to stimulate the lungs to dry the lungs, use the heat to treat the lungs, dry cough, less blood stasis, blood stasis and other lung heat dry cough syndrome, can be associated with Tianmendong, Maimendong, habitat Yellow and other medicinal, such as yoghurt drink ("the source of the miscellaneous disease rhinoceros"); take this product to stimulate the work of the dry, with ginseng with the treatment of dry heat and lung injury, qi and yin two wounds cough and hemoptysis, such as Shenhua San ( "Returning to the disease").
3. Internal heat and thirst. This product is good for clearing lung and stomach heat, producing thirst and quenching thirst. It can be used to cure the accumulation of heat and stagnation of stagnation of stagnation and stagnation. It is often accompanied by medicinal products such as Maimendong, Lugan and Rhizoma Imperatae ("Qianjinfang"); Ginseng, the rule of internal heat and thirst, qi and yin two wounded, such as jade pot pills ("Renzhai Zhifang Fang").
4. Sore swollen poison. This product can not only clear the heat and purging fire and detoxification, but also can reduce the swelling and pus to treat the sore, use the treatment of sores, the hot poison is flaming, the pus can be dissipated, the pus has become a sore pus, often with Honeysuckle, white peony, and pangolin are equivalent, such as Xianfang Live Drink ("Women's Daquan Liangfang"); take this product to clear heat, reduce swelling, with mint and other into the end, watermelon juice delivery service, can cure wind and heat up , sore throat, such as the silver key ("Surgical Baidu Quanshu").
[Usage and dosage] decoction, 10-15g.
[Notes on use] It is not suitable for the same use of aconite.
[modern research]
1. Chemical composition: This product mainly contains starch, saponin, polysaccharides, amino acids, enzymes and trichosanthin.
2. Pharmacological action: subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of trichosanthin protein, which has the effect of inducing labor and ending pregnancy; trichosanthin protein has two functions of immune stimulation and immunosuppression; in vitro experiments prove that trichosanthin can inhibit HIV (HIV) in infected immune cells Reproduction and reproduction, reducing the number of viable cells infected by viruses in immune cells, can inhibit HIV DNA replication and protein synthesis; the non-permeabilized part of the aqueous extract of trichosanthin has blood sugar lowering activity. Trichosanthin decoction has a certain inhibitory effect on hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococci, and diphtheria.
3. Clinical study: 293 cases of hydatidiform mole were treated with 3g of intraperitoneal protein and intramuscular injection, and 55 cases were naturally discharged, accounting for 42.6% (Yunnan Medicine, 1978, 3:1). Treatment of malignant trophoblast cells with saponin mixture and vaginal drug There were 7 cases of tumors, including 5 cases of malignant moles and 2 cases of villous carcinomas (Jiangsu Medicine, 1978, 6:5). In addition, clinical use of trichosanthin for diabetes, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, mastitis, mumps Infectious diseases and for induction of labor in mid-term pregnancy, anti-early pregnancy, expired abortion, ectopic pregnancy, intestinal gland metaplasia.
【Abstract of Ancient Books】
1. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica": "The main thirst, body heat, full of heat, tonic, Anzhong, continued injuries."
2. "Japanese Huazi Materia Medica": "Through the small intestine, discharge the pus, reduce the swelling of the poison, grow the muscles and long meat, eliminate the blood stasis. Treat the heat madness, chyle, hair back, hemorrhoids."
3. "Materia Medica": "Tianhua powder, retreat five internal organs and stagnation, such as heart-burning and dry tongue, dry throat, swollen throat and swollen throat, spleen and mouth swelling, smoldering and coughing. If liver fire The swell of the swells, the bones of the kidney fire are steaming and hot, or the cockroaches have collapsed, but the heat is not scattered, or the five scorpions are yellow, and the small water is dripping, which is caused by hot stagnation. However, this agent can open stagnation, reduce bonfire, and can cure it. It is also sweet and cold, good to cure thirst, cures thirst from tonic, cures thirst from cold medicine, cures thirst from qi and medicine, from Blood medicine and treatment of polydipsia are the medicines needed to cure thirst."

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