Tenebrio feeding method

Tenebrio molitor has high nutritional value, artificial feeding of Tenebrio simple technology, can be fed in indoor or outdoor plastic greenhouses, three-dimensional production, low investment, low cost, 1.5-2kg feed can develop 0.5-1kg Tenebrio molitor.

In recent years, Tenebrio is widely used to feed a variety of freshwater fish species and is also a good feed for feeding scorpions.

Tenebrio is an omnivorous animal, grains and bran, peel, leaves, etc. can be used as feed. Tenebrio, like many other insects, have grown through four stages of life, including egg-larvae, cockroaches and adults. The feed used was Tenebrio crawling larvae. Artificial feeding technical regulations are as follows.

1. Production of incubator box and growth box for spawning box

The spawning box is 705010 cm and the bottom is made of 1 cm thick wood strips. The iron screens can be tightened and tightened, and the surrounding area is taped to prevent escape. The box size is the same as the spawning box. The bottom does not have iron screens, but the wooden boards are directly nailed into boxes. The incubator and growth box are 8,06010 cm, and the bottom is nailed into boxes with wooden boards.

2, species selection

Can be purchased in the market, require specifications of neat, crawling active, deep color, smooth body, body length 25 cm above mature larvae.

3, mature larva feeding

In the growth box, 2 kg of insects per square meter can be placed, and the thickness should not exceed 2 cm. Feed: wheat bran 70%, cornmeal 15%, cake 15%. Usually appropriate to put cabbage leaves or melon skin supplement moisture. The suitable temperature for living larvae is 13-32°C. The optimum humidity is 80%-85%. The larvae can both move and feed during the day and night, but they are more active at night.

4. Management of crickets

At the beginning, it is milky white, usually 15-17mm long, floating on the feed surface. Put 2cm bran in the mash box, put the crickets picked up every day, and wait for them to become adults. Keep in a ventilated, insulated environment. Do not over-wet so that helium does not rot. Shorter pupal stage, when the temperature is 10-20 °C, 15-20 days can be eclosion as adult; 25-30 °C 6-8 days can be adult into adult.

5, adult management

After the emergence of the adult, after the body becomes dark brown, it will be moved to the spawning box for feeding. The spawning box can be nested in the incubator and growth box. Spread a layer of feed in the spawning box, about 1 cm thick, and then put a layer of fresh leaves, adults are scattered under the leaves. These leaves are its feed, mainly to provide water and increase vitamins, with the release of food, not excessive, so as not to excessive humidity. The leaves rotted and deteriorated.

When adults lay eggs, most of them drill to the bottom between the feed and the gauze, reach out to the ovipositor, pass through the mesh holes, and feed the eggs to the feed under the net. Artificial feeding is the habit of using it to lay eggs downwards. Use a net to separate it from the eggs and eliminate adult eggs. Therefore, the feed on the web must not be too thick. Otherwise, the adult will produce eggs on the web.

Adult spawning began 4-5 days after emergence. Adult mating activities do not have day and night, a mating time of several hours, multiple mating in a lifetime, spawning several times. Each female can produce 6-15 eggs at a time, and each female can lay 30-350 eggs for a lifetime, and the adult lifespan is 3-4 months.

6. Egg hatching

Tenebrio fertilized egg hatching time and the ambient temperature has a great relationship, in the 25-30 °C conditions, just 4-7 days to hatch. To cultivate the mealworms artificially, in order to shorten the incubation period, indoor warmth should be maintained as much as possible to artificially create the optimum temperature for hatching. Under normal circumstances, the spawning box will be moved to another incubator every 7 days or so. The feed and eggs of the original incubator can be hatched until all the larvae are hatched. After the feed is eaten, the feces are removed and replaced. New feed.

7, larva feeding

When the feed during the incubation period is basically finished, the worms should be screened out. The screened insects are returned to the original box for feeding, and the insects can be added to the feed 2-3 times, or they can be added less. Every day, the feces is removed once every 3-5 days. Usually feed put some green leaves, radish slices and so on. In the summer high temperature, pay attention to ventilation and cooling; in other seasons when the temperature is low, indoor additional heating equipment. Maintain a suitable living temperature of 13-32 °C, the optimum temperature is 25-29 °C. The temperature is less than 10°C and there is very little activity. It is safe to overwinter at temperatures above 0°C. If the temperature is lower than 0°C or higher than 35°C, there is a danger of freezing or heat death.

8, the problem of attention

Egg hatching, larvae, cockroaches, and adults should be fed separately and must not be polycultured. Mixed feeding is not easy to feed food according to different requirements, and adults are easy to eat eggs in the process of feeding, and larvae are easy to eat. The thickness of the feeding larvae must not exceed 2-3 cm in order to avoid fever, and the size and specifications are basically the same. Larval feeding increases with the individual's increase. The newly-produced eggs need to be sorted once every 7 days, and they are naturally hatched in boxes. When the mature larvae are larvae, they must be picked out in time and placed in the incubator. They cannot be stacked. Adults must avoid strong light, otherwise they will affect spawning. Tenebrio disease is less, but to prevent predators: such as poultry, gecko, rats and other hazards.

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