Fragrant walnut cultivation techniques

Fragrant walnut is a late-ripening walnut variety. The author began to study the result characteristics of this variety from 2003. The results of the field survey showed that the planting rate of this species can reach 60% in the second year of planting, 80kg in the fourth year of 667 square meters, and the output of 667 square meters in the 6-year-old tree can reach 300kg. Fragrance walnuts are of good quality, high yield, strong resistance to stress, and suitable for a wide range of planting areas. Its high-yielding cultivation techniques are now described below for reference by the majority of growers.

1, the characteristics of fragrant walnut

The variety has a single fruit quality of about 16 grams, beautiful appearance, moderate shell thickness, full kernels, light yellow kernel color, sweet flavor, minimal astringency, 53%-55% kernel rate, tight nut sutures, antioxidant rancidity, resistance Storage, nuts stored at room temperature for a year without change of taste. The tree has a long life span, is resistant to diseases, and is especially resistant to walnut anthracnose, brown spot, rot, and branch blight. It has a strong growth potential, is not susceptible to aging, and has an economic life of more than a hundred years.

2, cultivation techniques

2.1 Building Park

The fragrant walnut root system is developed. The soil requirements are not strict, except for saline and alkaline land, sandy soil, loam soil and clay soil can all grow normally.

Fragrant walnuts can be planted in the fall or in the spring. In areas with good conservation, the breeding of grasshoppers in rural areas has increased the survival rate of spring cultivation compared to autumn, and does not require cold protection after planting. When spring planting, the sooner the better after thawing, the autumn planting should be carried out before the freeze-thaw, and the autumn planting in the south-central part of Hebei should be protected against the cold.

The planting density is less than 5 meters and 6 meters, and the site conditions are better. The soil depth is 3 meters (4-8) meters.

The fragrant walnuts are male-type varieties, and their requirements for pollination trees are not strict, but in order to increase their fruit setting rate, other male-type varieties should be allocated for pollination trees, such as Zhonglin 1, Zhonglin 3, etc., with a ratio of (8-10). ):1.

Digging 60 cm square hole when planting, thin soil or poor fertility of 25 kg of organic fertilizer applied to each hole, after planting solid, watering, each tree covers 80 cm square mulch.

2.2 Post-plant management

2.2.1 Soil Management Legumes or potato crops can be made between plain or terraced orchards and unfruitful orchards: as a result, orchards can be used as intercropping herbs to improve the soil and increase soil fertility, but do not plant tall stem plants to ensure normal tree growth. .

2.2.2 Fertilization Apply 1500-2000 kg of organic fertilizer per 667 square meters in the fall. In addition, fast-growing fertilizers must be applied during the growing season. Generally 1-3 years old saplings apply 4 kg of nitrogen fertilizer every 667 square meters; 4-8 years old trees apply 6-8 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 7-8 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 7-8 kg of potash fertilizer. During the top-dressing period, it takes place every year when the shoot length reaches 10-20 cm, and 50 g of urea is applied to each plant. If the tree vigor is strong and the result is small, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used can be reduced, or nitrogen fertilizer can be stopped for one year. It should be noted that nitrogen fertilizer should not be excessive, otherwise it will delay the growth period and postpone fruit ripening, and will cause flower buds and shoots to suffer from minor frost.

2.2.3 Watering Spring planting seedlings 10-15 days after planting, timely pouring water to ensure seedling survival and normal growth. Watering before budding in mid-March can reduce the spring drought, promote the use of basal fertiliser in autumn to continue to exert its fertility, and promote the long-term occurrence of sprouting. Reduce falling flowers. After the spring shooter stops, he must control the water before the autumn shooter stops. That is, from mid-May to early August, water is generally not used, and drainage should be paid attention during the rainy season. Gradually stopping the growth of autumn shoots after early August should control fertilizer and water. After the basal fertilization in autumn, it is necessary to pour water once to promote new roots and promote the development of mixed flower buds and nutrient accumulation. 1 time after pouring leaves

Frozen water to improve winter soil moisture, to avoid the roots of winter drought damage, dried branches.

2.2.4 Method to prevent saplings of young trees Fragrant walnuts should be bent over 1-2 years for the winter to be protected against cold, prevent freezing injury and drawstrings, and larger trees that cannot be bent can be wrapped in woven bags and coated with polyvinyl alcohol. , Or wrapped around the film are better cold, anti-drawing effect. More than 3 years of tree overwintering trunks should be painted white. In addition, the control of fertilizer and water from the middle of August and the spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves to enrich the shoots are also conducive to safe wintering of the branches.

2.2.5 Shaping

(1) Pruning time. The pruning is usually performed after the harvest until the leaves do not turn yellow and after the spring leaves. Due to the loss of nutrients in spring shearing, it is easy to injure young leaves, so the result is that autumn trees are appropriate, and young trees can be cut in spring.

(2) Timely dry. After germinating in the spring, the big seedlings should be set at 60-70 cm from the ground. If the seedlings are not dry, the seedlings should be left with 1-2 buds and short cuts, then put on a plastic bag, sealed at the top, and sealed with soil at the bottom. To prevent spring winds, dehydration of seedlings and increase survival rate.

(3) Tree selection. Under the conditions of large row spacing and sufficient supply of fertilizer and water, evacuation layering can be adopted: In the case of poor site conditions and poor fertilizer and water conditions, the natural happy shape should be adopted: under the conditions of dense planting, fans can be used, but care should be taken between the rows. Branches, when the intersection between two rows affect the light, they are shrunk and cultivated into fruiting branches.

(4) pruning method. 1 young tree pruning. More short cuts, in order to promote long branches, the long put branches to be carved in order to increase the amount of early branches. 2 culture sticks group. The use of first put back contraction, to the back, stay back and anticline branches into branches. The size of the branches and branches is distributed evenly in the crown. Generally, the branches should be 60-100 cm apart to ensure good light. 3 caregiving branches processing and utilization. For the rearing branches born on the central stem and the main lateral branches, a combination of stay, sparse, and transformation can be used. For those with space and results that have not yet affected the growth of the main lateral branches, they should be temporarily retained to increase the yield: The rearing sticks that have seriously affected the growth of the main lateral branches should be removed year by year. When evacuating, saw twigs should be left to facilitate wound healing. For raising branches with a certain space, they can be transformed into branches. 4 behind the treatment of branches. One is to shrink the pendulous part at the branches, raising the branch angle: Second, if the sagging angle is not large, the growth potential is moderate, full flower buds have been formed, can be temporarily retained, and then cut off after the results, if severe sagging, If you have no results or few results, you should cut them off in time. 5 long branches of the treatment. The saplings do not leave long branches, and the result tree can be properly selected to be transformed into a branch group to make up for empty hoppers and increase production. In the aging tree can be used leggy branches update rejuvenation.

(5) Old tree update. Walnuts have a strong ability to update, but in order to prolong the fruit period, manual updates are required. In general, new shoots should be cultivated. When the shoots grow stronger than the original shoots, the original shoots are removed every year.

(6) Rehabilitation of indifference trees. For trees that have never been pruned. It should be different from tree to tree. Laiwu City Forestry Bureau must vigorously promote afforestation and afforestation. When it is necessary to deal with a large number of round branches, branches, cross branches, and overlapping branches, there should be a focus. For large branches that must be removed, they must be removed or retracted in batches or by phases, and converted into large branches to avoid excessive branching and excessive pruning, affecting tree vigor and yield.

In short, to finely pruning branchlets, thin and thin branches, pests and branches, dead branches, and dense branches should be completely removed in order to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the growth of other branches. For the middle and small branches with baldness on the periphery of the crown and at the apex of the medial malleolus, attention should be paid to selecting and maintaining the available cultures to become extension branches or result branches to increase the yield.

2.2.6 Disease and Insect Pest Control Fragrant walnuts are extremely resistant to anthracnose, brown spot, brown rot, and branch blight, but attention should be paid to the prevention and control of pests such as walnut limb moth, clouded beetle, and yellow thorn moth. Prevention and control of pests and diseases is mainly prevention, supplemented by comprehensive prevention and control, improvement of ecological conditions of Qingxiang Hetaoyuan, rational pruning, and timely removal of pests and branches. You can use diflubenzuron 3, Qianxueke and lime sulfur, sodium humuvate, Bordeaux mixture, mancozeb, and other agents to prevent pests.

3, fruit harvesting and processing

(1) Harvesting. The appropriate period for fruit harvesting is that the skin color of the total alfalfa changes from dark green to light yellow, and part of the total alfalfa splits, and individual fruits fall off. At this time, the picking period is appropriate. Harvesting is too early, the total enthalpies are not easy to peel off, and both the kernel rate and the oil output rate are reduced.

(2) post-harvest treatment. Postharvest pods are not peeled off on their own. Walnuts can be piled on the ground, piled 30-50 cm high, covered with wet straw mats, etc. After 3-5 days, tapping with a stick, the green skin can fall off. Can also be used 40% ethephon 500-1000 times liquid soak unpeeled walnuts, and then piled for 24 hours, then beat with a stick, peel easily, and the core and shell smooth, free from contamination.

The peeled wet walnuts should be rinsed with water and bleached immediately. Walnuts exported for export must be bleached to enhance aesthetics. Put the bleaching powder into 80 times solution first, then put the walnut into it, keep stirring, remove the walnut after 8-10 minutes, then rinse with clean water, and dry the cloth on the mat. When it is dry, it should be turned frequently to avoid yellowing of the backlight surface and affect the quality. When the nucleolus becomes brittle, the white section is sharp, and the membrane is easily broken, it can be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place. Always check during storage, pay attention to moisture and prevent rat damage. In the event of individual spoilage, remove and dry.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics

In a hydroponic system, plants are placed in nutrient-enriched water. Mediums such as gravels, sand or vermiculite can also be used. Thus plants which are placed in the water absorb the nutrients very easly. When the nutrients from the water starts finishing , water is recycled or additional nutrients are added.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics,Hydroponic Garden,Hydroponic Greenhouse