Rural piglet rearing management

First, the construction of swine fever pigs require good lighting conditions, good drainage, both conducive to ventilation and conducive to warmth. The partition walls are 1.1 to 1.2 meters high. The food tanks and sinks are 15 cm high and 30 to 35 cm wide. Drain holes are provided. The piglets are 35 cm high and 18 cm wide. The door is open to the piglets and the rear wall drain hole is 20 cm high. It is 5 cm wide, the height of the door is the same as the partition wall, and the width is 70 cm. Inner Mongolia iron sheet prevents pigs from crawling and the piglets escape.
Second, feeding and management of piglets
1, physiological characteristics and living habits of suckling piglets:
(1) Fast growth and development. Feeding piglet metabolism is strong, and growth and development are faster. One month after birth, body weight can reach 5-6 times of birth weight. Two months after birth, the body weight can reach 10-15 times of the birth weight. Within 20 days after birth, 9 to 14 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is deposited per day, which is 30 to 35 times that of adult pigs.
(2) The digestive organs are underdeveloped. At birth, the stomach can only contain 25-40 ml of milk and it only increases to 3 to 4 times in three weeks after birth. 20 days after birth, the lack of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, pepsin is not much, the weak digestion of protein and fat, weak ability to resist bacteria, susceptible to gastrointestinal disease.
(3) The function of the nervous system is not perfect. Poor body temperature regulation ability, cold and poor ability, very afraid of cold, easy to be frozen to death; action is not flexible, easily crushed by the sow.
(4) The lack of innate immunity makes it easy to get sick. After birth, piglets do not have innate immunity. In other words, there are no antibodies against infectious diseases in the body. Only the colostrum (milk secreted by the sow within 4 to 7 days after birth) can obtain maternally derived antibodies from the sows. Therefore, the piglets should be allowed to make it as soon as possible after they are born. Colostrum is eaten.
(5) Habits: Within 3 to 5 days after birth, the piglets showed fullness, sleepiness, weakness, and sluggish movements. Normally excretion of excreta immediately after breast-feeding, and then rely on the sow's abdomen, or pile up and sleep on each other. In about 7 days, it began to carry out activities in the circle. About half a month or so chase each other. 7 to 10 days to learn to eat, 25 to 30 days can basically eat feed. 30 days later entered the Wang Shi food phase.
2. Feeding and management measures for suckling piglets:
(1) Fix the nipple and feed the colostrum early. Colostrum contains the most abundant and comprehensive nutrients required for piglets. It also contains maternal antibodies that enhance the disease resistance of piglets and contains magnesium salts that promote the excretion of meconium in piglets. After the piglets are born, they should be allowed to eat colostrum as soon as possible. At the same time, since the amount of milk from the sow's nipple from the front to the back decreases, starting from the first time of breastfeeding, the piglets should be fixed from the front to the back, and the piglets should be fixed in order from the first to the second. Change again. When suckling piglets, check whether the milk teeth of the piglets are very good. If they are long, they should be cut short to avoid biting the sow's nipple and the pig's tongue.
(2) Prevent crushed death and ensure survival. In the first few days of piglets, their limbs were weak, and they were slow to move, especially in the cold season. They often nestled in the abdomen of the sow or piled on each other for warmth, sleep was heavy, and were often crushed by the poorly sow. On the one hand, artificial care should be strengthened. The bedding should be shorter and shorter. On the other hand, a pressure-proof frame can be provided on the other hand so that the sow does not abut against the wall when she is lying down.
(3) Prevent anaemia and supplement minerals. Piglets are prone to lack of minerals, especially iron and copper. Within 3 to 4 days after birth, they can still rely on their own storage and supply. After the iron and copper obtained from the milk are not enough for the body, it will hinder the formation of heme, resulting in anemia and affecting growth and development. For this reason, piglets should be supplemented with iron, copper and injectable blood and other preparations 3 to 5 days after birth.
(4) Give clean drinking water. The fast growth of piglets, combined with high milk energy, requires a lot of water. After 3 to 5 days after birth, the piglets should be started to feed water. Otherwise, the growth and development will be affected. On the other hand, the piglets will suffer from filthy urine due to thirst. If conditions allow to install automatic drinker.
(5) Feeding early to promote gastrointestinal development. Seven days after birth, the average piglet began to grow teeth, itching gums, magpies and hard objects, this is the best time to feed early. You can use the pig's full price pellets to mix brown sugar, place them in shallow pans where piglets are active, and teach them to eat. After eating, stop adding brown sugar and feed piglets at any time with enough amount of whole piglet feed for piglets to feed freely. Early feeding can not only promote the development of the gastrointestinal tract, but more importantly, the shortage of nutrition obtained from the milk after the sow's lactation peak is replenished so as to facilitate the normal growth and development of the piglets in the lactation period.
(6) Give proper exercise. Three to four days after the birth of the piglet, when the weather is warm, it can be given appropriate activities, sun exposure, initially not more than 10 minutes later gradually extended.
(7) Pay attention to hygiene and prevent diseases. Due to the imperfect function of the digestive system of piglets, poor resistance to disease, and piglets like to move around, bite objects, arch chewing dirt, once contact with pathogenic bacteria, it is easy to suffer from dysentery. In order to reduce the occurrence of dysentery, in addition to raising piglets to improve pig disease resistance, the most important thing is to do a good job of cleaning, pigskins and sports venues to keep clean, dry, warm, regularly disinfected once every other week. Once onset, take immediate steps for treatment.
(8) The foster care and artificial nursing of piglets. Sows produce more piglets than sows, and sows cannot be nurtured. If there are sows whose birthing time is not more than three days apart and there are few litters, the excess piglets can be taken to foster; if there is no such sow, artificial nursing should be adopted. The sow-sow mainly recognizes the foster piglets on the basis of olfactory sense. When fostering, the sow is not allowed to breast-feed or bite the foster piglets to identify the foster piglets, and the foster sow may be killed by spraying sows with a low concentration of phenolic soap solution. With their piglets and foster piglets, the foster piglets are first brought to bear the sows born to the sows for 30 to 60 minutes, and are then given to the sows. It is the easiest to be successful at this night of fostering. If artificial breast-feeding is used, milk is usually replaced with milk (1/3 diluted with water), rice soup with sugar or soy milk with sugar instead of milk. Put the artificial milk in the bowl and use the fingers instead of the nipple to train the piglets to eat. After a few times, the piglets will feed themselves into the bowl. Although this method is simple, nutrition is not comprehensive enough. The following recipes can be used: 60% wheat flour, 20% fried yellow bean noodles, 10% skim milk powder, 4% yeast, 4% brown sugar, 1.5% bone meal, 0.5 salt, 1 to 2 drops of cod liver oil per head at the time of feeding, trace amounts of antibiotics .
3. Feeding and management of weaned piglets Weaned pigs to four-month-old piglets are called weaned piglets. The feeding and management of weaned piglets is a difficult part of the pig production process. After weaning, the piglet separates its mother, from breastmilk to full nutrition, and from sow adoption to completely independent life. At the same time, this period is also a period of strong growth of pigs, the weaning weight of medium-sized breeds increased from 15 kg to 53 kg in 4 months of age. If all kinds of conditions cannot keep up, the piglets will soon lose weight and lose weight, the body will become weaker, and the formation of stagnant pigs will also grow extremely slowly. They will consume a lot of labor and feed and will suffer economic losses. Specific attention should be paid to the following aspects:
(1) Weaning well. The weaning time of the piglets should be between 35 and 40 days, which can not only affect the growth and development of the piglets, but also increase the utilization of the sows after mating. In order for the sow to be free from mastitis and the piglet not to develop digestive diseases, the mother can adapt and the method of weaning is best used for gradual weaning. That is, after the mother is isolated and reared, the sow is rushed back to the piglet for 4 to 5 times on the first day, and reduced to 3 to 4 times on the second day, and the number of feedings is gradually reduced, and finally the net can be cut off.
(2) Nutrition. The diet of weaned piglets requires comprehensive and adequate nutrition, and it is best to feed the full price pellets of piglets at any time so that they can freely feed and add appropriate amount of green feed.
(3) Casting in time. Piglets that are not used for breeding should be castrated in due course. Castration time is generally 7-10 days after weaning.
(4) Do a good job of immunization. Piglets are immunized seven days after weaning and can also be performed simultaneously with castration.
(5) Strengthen management: In addition to doing a good job of cleanliness, warmth and heat, supplying drinking water, giving proper exercise, etc., it is necessary to emphasize teaching so that piglets can develop habits of feeding, excreting urine, and sleeping at a fixed location. Observe and observe as soon as possible to find timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, ectoparasite diseases and other diseases.
Third, pig disease prevention and control:
The prevention and cure of the disease in piglet production is first and foremost the prevention and cure of swine fever. The only method of prevention and cure of the disease is immunization. The immunization of piglets should be carried out for the first time 7 days after weaning. The freeze-dried vaccine for piglets can be used twice as often as the instruction dose: the vaccination of sows should be vaccinated 2 or 3 times per year and can be combined with the immunization of piglets at the same time, but the dose should be Four times the specification. The prevention and treatment of other epidemics should be based on actual local conditions. The following mainly talk about the prevention and treatment of yellow piglets and white diarrhea.
Yellow piglets and white plagues are infectious diseases characterized by pathogenic E. coli that cause piglets to squat. Infected with this strain of bacteria due to different ages and presents a different type of disease, a few days after birth called the piglets jaundice, 2 to 3 weeks of age called piglet white plague. The incidence of jaundice in piglets can reach 100%, and the mortality rate is high; the incidence of white piglets in piglets can reach 68%, and the mortality rate is slightly lower. According to the survey, the mortality rate of piglets yellow and white plague can reach 6%. Escherichia coli is a frequently-occurring conditional bacteria that is widely present in the sow's intestine and in the ground, drinking water, feed, and utensils contaminated with faeces. The bacterium is easy to mutate and the non-pathogenic bacterium will mutate into a pathogenic bacterium under certain conditions. Pathogenic bacteria only cause disease in piglets under certain conditions.
Cause of the disease: Pathogenic Escherichia coli enters the digestive tract of piglets through the oral cavity and poor disease resistance of the piglets is the cause of yellow and white piglets. The cause of the infection of piglets by pathogens is the presence of pathogenic E. coli due to poor sanitary conditions, dark and moist conditions, and uncleaned and disinfected piglets. The pathogens enter the digestive tract of piglets. Poor piglet disease resistance is caused by dark and humid living environment, poor ventilation, poor cold and warmth, excessive milk in sows with excess nutrients, or overfeeding during piglet hunger leading to indigestion, and sow disease (especially breast disease). ) or sow bad results caused by milk changes in piglet digestive disorders, pig iron deficiency anemia or disease.
1. Improve the living environment of piglets: The environment of piglets needs to be clean, dry, with good lighting (preferably with certain sunlight), good ventilation, moderate temperature, and regular disinfection (once a week).
2. Actively prevent and treat sow diseases and do a good job of feeding and management of sows.
3, do a good job of feeding and management of piglets, pay particular attention to iron, feed and food hygiene.
4. Do a good job of immunization of sows: Sows are inoculated with “E. coli inactivated bacterins” 45 days and 20 days before delivery.
5, sows pre-feeding "Aberdeen mother Kang" and other piglets yellow, white locust preventive medicine.
6, after the onset of treatment: a lot of drugs for the treatment of piglets yellow, white peony, such as oxytetracycline, gentamicin, kanamycin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, bacteria, net, enemy Bacterial net, sulfonamides, and so on, in recent years there are many new drugs on the market. However, it should be noted that E. coli is very susceptible to drug resistance, and that the same litter of litters can only select one effective drug at a time. The next time the disease is cured, new drugs should be selected; in order to prevent one litter of piglets from being cured The occurrence of another episode of onset of another disease is best caused by the onset of a whole litter treatment; to prevent the occurrence of drug poisoning, the dose of medication should be mastered, and the dosage should not be arbitrarily increased; in order to prevent incomplete recurrence of treatment, it should be treated according to the course of treatment. , General use of 2 to 3 days; 7 in order to prevent the pathogenic residues, after the cure to the piglet living environment for complete disinfection. (Author: Zhao Enke Unit: Dali, Yunnan Province Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station)

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