Prevention and treatment of grapefruit pests and diseases

1. In the early stage of onset of disease, Huanglong diseased plants had a few branches with yellowish veins on the tip, followed by the main veins on the diseased shoots as the midline, yellow-green spots inlaid, plaque size and site asymmetry in mottled yellow. Symptoms of the disease can be seen in different diseased shoots of the same plant and different degrees of yellowing of the same diseased leaves. Afterwards, the new shoots removed from the diseased branches cannot turn green normally, and the leaves are thick and hard and fall off early. The diseased tree has an early flowering period, a large amount of flowers, a large number of malformed flowers, and a low fruit setting rate. The fruits are smaller than normal and often appear malformed, with early ripening and low juice, thick skin, and mild taste. The diseased trees rarely make new roots, and old roots gradually rot.
[Control methods] The disease is currently no feasible treatment for production applications, mainly in prevention, timely elimination of pathogens, to prevent the spread and spread.
(1) Strict implementation of the seedling quarantine system. The new district is prohibited from investigating seedlings and scion from the affected area and planting disease-free seedlings.
(2) Cultivate disease-free nursery stock: The nursery is best located in a disease-free area.
(3) Do a good job in the prevention and treatment of rafts, rafts are the vector insects transmitted by Huanglong disease, and can only damage buds and shoots. Drug treatment: 10000 times or 2,000 times.
(4) Timely and thorough excavation of diseased trees: Huanglong disease is most easily identified in May after the spring shoots are ripe and in the old crops after the autumn shoots are mature. In these two periods, the whole garden should be checked by the plants and the diseased plants should be found. Dig out in time and disinfect it with Greenhenge III.
Second, scab disease mainly affects the spring shoots, late autumn shoots, winter shoots of young leaves, flowers and young fruit. When the disease is severe, it causes a large number of fallen leaves, fallen flowers, and fruit drop. The damaged fruit is deformed, the quality is deteriorated, and the commodity grade is low. In the early stages of the victim's leaf, water-stained, round spots appeared and became waxy yellow. The lesions expanded with the growth of the leaves, and were gradually corked. The cones were bulging toward the sides of the leaves and the other side was depressed inwards. The leaves with many lesions were distorted and deformed, causing serious defoliation; Spots gradually expand and turn into brown-brown, conical, and corked knobs, forming many scattered or clustered knobs, causing poor fruit development and deformity, causing early fruit drop, and late fruit quality deterioration.
[Control methods]
(1) Strengthen the cultivation and management: Do a good job of the pruning work in the clearing garden in winter. Cut off the diseased branches and fallen leaves to burn them in a concentrated manner. Remove the dense branches, improve the internal ventilation and light transmission conditions, and reduce the air humidity in the canopy.
(2) Spraying and spraying: The first spraying was 2 mm in spring buds, the second was in flowering stage, and the late autumn spraying period was depending on the weather. The pesticides that can be used are: Green Hunter No.6 1000 times + streptomycin (one pack of watered 80 lbs) or Norex gram (one pack of watered 30 lbs) + Xi Feng chun (150 kg per package).
III. Canker disease, anthracnose canker disease is the only bacterial disease of grapefruit tree, and it is an international quarantine subject. It is distributed in most of China's production areas except Sichuan. Citrus stalk susceptibility type. The disease damages leaves, shoots and immature fruits, causing defoliation, dead branches and fruit drop, which directly affect the output and fruit quality of the year. Anthracnose damages leaves, branches and flowers. Symptoms of damage to the leaves can be divided into acute and chronic types: acute lesions often occur at the tips of the leaves, leaf margins, or main veins. They appear as pale blue with hot water scald and dark brown patches, which quickly expand into In the regular patch, the boundary between the edge of the lesion and the healthy part is not very obvious, and the diseased leaf quickly generates delamination from the junction between the leaf body and the wing leaf. The wing leaf remains on the tree. When it is wet, the lesion produces vermilion. The viscous liquid spot; the chronic type appeared yellowish-brown lesions at the tips of the leaves or leaves, and then expanded into irregular shapes. During the drought, the camouflage was clear, and a scarlet-red sticky liquid spot appeared on the lesions at the later stage. The dry lesions are gray and white, and the surface is covered with black spots with concentric rings. The diseased leaves fall off slowly. Leaf buds will not develop after being victimized, and the stems will become brown and the buds will fall off.
[Control methods]
(1) Reducing the source of orchards: In the summer, before the fall shoots and in the winter gardens, the diseased leaves were removed, the diseased branches and diseased fruits were cut off, and burned in a concentrated manner. This is an effective measure to control ulcer disease in production. In particular, the 1-2-year-old saplings after colonization are the most cost-effective and effective remediation measures for the repeated removal of lesions.
(2) Controlling the shoots by shoots: The low-peak period of the leafminers is used to release the shoots, which reduces the chance of invasion of the bacteria from the wound.
(3) Spraying and spraying prevention: Spray 1 spray before spring flowering and after flushing, and 3 cm from summer shoots at the new shoots, spraying leaves and sprays before spraying. Spray pesticides promptly after the storm to prevent bacteria from invading the wound. The following pesticides can be used: Ibid.
Fourth, citrus scab, orange scab, also known as the beginning of black spot disease on the surface of the formation of red-brown small spots, expanded after the round, diameter 1 ~ 6 mm, usually 2 ~ 3 mm, lesions around Slightly elevated, dark reddish-brown to dark brown, dark gray in the middle of the depression, with black spots on it. Bacteria usually invade the skin only, not into the flesh, but cause serious fruit drop. The lesions on the foliage are similar to those on the fruit.
[Control methods]
1 Strengthen the management of citrus gardens, regulate the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers, and pay attention to drainage in low-lying orchards; cut through dense branches and diseased branches.
2 Citrus fruit Xiehua after spraying thiophanate-methyl 800--1000 times or 1000 times dilution of special bacteria and other spraying, spraying once every 15 days, continuous spray 3 to 4 times.
5. In the early stage of the onset of soot, a layer of dark brownish mildew develops on the surface of leaves, branches, or fruits. Later, it gradually develops into a black velvet-like fungus layer covering the diseased part. The mold is only attached to the surface and is soy-like and cannot be invaded. Tea tree within the organization. The pellicles are generally not easy to fall off, but the morbidity is particularly severe and the pellicle film thickness is easily peeled off. After peeling, the surface of the branches and leaves is still green.
[Control methods]
First, the timely prevention and control of aphids, acarids, whitefly pests is a fundamental measure to prevent the occurrence of coal smoke.
Second, the following pesticides can be optionally sprayed and killed: Noor poison grams a pack of 30 pounds of water.
Six, Citrus red spider Citrus red spider, also known as Citrus full claw, red spider skin. It is a commonly occurring pest in the pomelo-producing areas of China. It has pierced the leaves, shoots, and fruit epidermis with sucking mouthparts to suck juice and chlorophyll. After the leaves are damaged, many small gray spots are produced, the chlorophyll content is reduced, the photosynthesis of the leaves is weakened, the leaves are dull, causing defoliation and shoot tipping, affecting tree vigor, reducing flower bud differentiation and yield.
[Control methods]
(1) Predicting and forecasting, insect spraying, mastering the critical period of prevention and control.
(2) Chemical control: smashing the enemy or smashing the sword.
Seventh, leafminer leaf miner, also known as ghost paintings, mapping worms, etc., in China's grapefruit production areas are distributed. The newly hatched larvae are chewing mouthparts to lift up the leaves of the new leaves and the stems of the larvae, lick the leaves and young phloem, and form a silvery-white insect path. The wounded leaves are curled and hardened, and the photosynthesis efficiency is reduced. The resulting wounds are easily invaded by the ulcer bacteria. The curled leaves provide sites for wintering for pests such as cockroaches, cockroaches and roundworms, which increases the difficulty of winter control.
[Control methods]
(1) Predicting and forecasting is carried out to control the release of adults at the low peak period: Excessively high temperatures in midsummer have a significant inhibitory effect on the occurrence of leaf miners. Guangdong Province has an adult low-peak period of spawning from late July to early August. . Therefore, in mid-July, the investigation began on the top five young larvae and eggs at the top of the new shoots. When the number of young larvae and eggs was found to be significantly reduced, the shoots were again wiped once to reduce the number of sprays and reduce shoots.
(2) Drug control; spit 5 to 10 mm at the new tip to: spray at the next time, once the drug, and then spray the second and third time every 7 days; if you can control the tip, you can do When the moth releases its tip during the low peak period, it only needs to spray 1 or 2 times for one tip, which can achieve a good control effect. Otherwise continuous spraying 3 to 4 times until the new shoot can cut off. The following pesticides can be used: 1000 times the moth treasure or 10000 times, etc.
Eight, malignant leaf A, orange latent armor A leaflet also known as black leafhopper; orange latent armor, also known as red leafhopper, a Coleoptera, leaf armor. All parts of Guangxi are distributed, mainly citrus fruit. Malignant leaf aphids and larvae are feeding on buds, buds and flowers; oranges are used to feed young shoots and young leaves, and larvae are damaged by latent leaves, causing tunnels and fallen leaves. Adults: 2.6 to 3.6 mm in length, long oval and shiny. Malignant leaf aphid is blue-black, tentacles except the end of 6 knots are blue-black, the rest of the knots and feet are yellow-brown; orange dike's head and chest are black, sheath eel is orange, tentacles except the base 3 tan, The remaining sections and feet are dark brown and black, which are easy to distinguish. Larvae: 6 to 7 mm at maturity, malignant black heads black, body short and thick, pale yellow, pronotum and middle and posterior chest protrusions dark brown; and orange dive head and pronotum dark brown The body is long, narrow and dark yellow.
[Control methods]
1 In combination with clear gardens in winter, remove lichens, mosses and weeds from the garden; prune and remove litter.
2 In the larval stage, one of the following agents can be used to control: Aileen 1000 times or green kill 800 times.
Nine, sharp-eared female arrowhead arrowhead-shaped, purple-brown, the male shell is white overall. The tip of the plant is severely damaged by the pomelo tree, and the leaves become yellow after being damaged. When it is severe, it scorches and curls, and the branch shoots die. Three generations a year, many fertilized females overwintering, the generation of nymphs in each generation were in late May, mid-July, mid-September. The females have strong fertility. Each female lays 130 to 190 eggs.
[Control methods]
(1) Do the work of clearing the garden in winter. Cut away the shoots with serious damage and densities and burn them together.
(2) Chemical control: 1,000 times warfare or oil emulsion.

The effectiveness of honeysuckle with Jieshushu, sober up, clearing the brain, thirst, remove toxic substances in the body, lipid-lowering, weight loss, beauty cleansing, prevention of aging, longevity effect. Honeysuckle can lower blood pressure, lower serum cholesterol, increase coronary blood flow, prevent coronary heart disease and gum pain; inhibit the formation of cerebral thrombosis; improve the human body against hypoxia free radicals, enhance memory, anti-aging; improve microcirculation, removal of peroxidation Fat deposition, promote metabolism, soothing freckle.

Tips: honeysuckle is generally no side effects, but do not long-term use, easy to cause stomach cold discomfort.

Honeysuckle Tea

Honeysuckle Tea,Dried Honeysuckle Tea,Honeysuckle Leaf Tea,Honeysuckle Flower Tea

Yinchuan Qi Li Xiang Trading Co., Ltd. ,