The original chrysanthemum tea also has taboo! Who can't drink chrysanthemum tea?

Chrysanthemum tea is the most common tea in the office. It has the functions of clearing liver and eyesight, clearing away heat and detoxicating. Drinking tea is a way of health, but few people know that drinking tea is also a taboo. Take chrysanthemum tea, there are 7 kinds of people who cannot drink.

Why do you love to drink chrysanthemum tea?

1. Qinggan Mingmu: Chrysanthemum tea tastes sweet and bitter, slightly cold, with the role of evacuation of wind-heat, Pinggan eyesight, detoxification.

2, lowering blood pressure: modern medical research confirmed that chrysanthemum has lower blood pressure, expand coronary and antibacterial effect.

3, regulate myocardial function: Long-term consumption of chrysanthemum tea can increase the body's calcium, regulate myocardial function, lower cholesterol, mainly for the elderly and the prevention of epidemic conjunctivitis when drinking.

4, adjust the vision: usually can take a cup of chrysanthemum tea to drink, can make the symptoms of eye fatigue subside, if you drink three to four cups of chrysanthemum tea every day, it will help restore vision.

5, radiation: drinking chrysanthemum tea helps prevent radiation.

Who can't drink chrysanthemum tea?

Although the benefits of chrysanthemum tea are so many, there are still certain taboos.

1, pregnant women

Chrysanthemum is cold, it is best for pregnant women not to drink.

2, diabetic people

Diabetic people or people with high blood sugar drink chrysanthemum tea should not add sugar, do not drink more than three each time.

3, allergic people

Clinically there have been reports of chrysanthemum allergy. Therefore, allergic persons must pay special attention to any rashes and other allergic reactions when drinking this product, should immediately stop taking, if necessary, timely treatment.

4, people with yang deficiency

If a person with a deficiency of yang has a taste of drinking chrysanthemum tea with the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire, it is easy to damage the righteousness and drink more and more.

5, hypotension

Because the flower tea is generally a bit of a decompression effect, if the hypotensive people drink chrysanthemum tea, dizziness may occur.

6, people with pharyngitis

People with pharyngitis should try to reduce irritation to the stomach. Chrysanthemums are cool, and long-term drinking may stimulate gastric acid secretion and make the pharyngeal inflammation persist.

7, cold people

Chrysanthemum tea tastes cool, not suitable for cold people to drink, and cold people, if there is a sore throat, they must drink plenty of water, and in the acute phase of active drug treatment, so as not to delay into pharyngitis, resulting in long-term unhealed.

Words, often facing the computer for too long, should drink chrysanthemum tea, so that it can resist the radiation of the computer.

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