Six contraceptive errors with increased traffic

According to a recent conservative estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 25 to 55 million people worldwide each year. The annual number of people in China continues to be around 10 million. The reason why the number of people is high is because there are many contraceptive errors.

Misunderstanding 1: Fortunately, I feel that accidental one-time living will not lead to pregnancy.

According to incomplete statistics, the most common reason for women among the abortions is that there are chances to believe that pregnancy is not easy, and the chance of accidental one-time pregnancy is very low. This is a very wrong point of view. Every time a one-off life has a risk of pregnancy, it should not be a matter of chance.

Misunderstanding 2: Calculate the safety period can be contraceptive

Some women have a more accurate menstrual cycle and believe that the contraceptive effect can be achieved by calculating the safety period. Most women's menstrual cycle is 24-32 days, and ovulation occurs on the 12th to 18th days. If the egg fails to fertilize 24 hours after ovulation, the egg cell will die on its own. After the sperm is discharged, it is generally possible to fertilize the egg within three days. However, it has also been reported that sperm remain fertilized after one week of sexual activity. The so-called 'safety period' is very short. For women with a 28-day menstrual cycle, this 'safe' time is only about 1 week. And because of changes in climate, diet, emotions, and the environment, ovulation times can fluctuate, and extra ovulation can occur, so the method of contraception during the period is not at all reliable.

Myth 3: Newly-married couples do not have good contraception

For couples who have just begun a couple’s life, because of the lack of information on contraception and because of the inappropriate use of contraceptive measures due to stress, the unexpected “baby honeymoon” has caught many newlyweds by surprise. Because of nervousness and inexperienced use of condoms, many couples are reluctant to use this “barrier” and condoms are not the first choice for wedding nights. Modern oral contraceptives (such as Marvelon) do not affect the sexual life process and avoid unpleasant menstrual cramps during honeymoons, and are therefore a better choice for newly-married couples.

Myth 4: Women who have given birth to children have only Sheung Wan

Many women who have given birth believe that only one type of contraceptive method is used on the ring. Women with uterine fibroids, irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea, and other diseases are often unsuitable for release. There is no alternative method. In fact, there are many methods to choose from, including Sheung Wan, oral contraceptives (including long-term and short-acting), condoms, contraceptives, subcutaneous implants, sterilization, etc. There are newer vaginal contraceptive rings abroad. For those women who have irregular menstrual cycles, uterine fibroids, and dysmenorrhea, modern oral contraceptives such as Marvelon are a better choice, not only for reliable contraception, but also for menstrual cycles and relief of dysmenorrhea.

Myth 5: Oral contraceptives may affect future births

This idea is wrong. There is no clinical data suggesting that women's fertility will be inhibited after long-term use of oral contraceptives. Experts believe that oral contraceptives have no adverse effect on fertility, and may even consider oral contraceptives beneficial for women’s reproduction because oral contraceptives can reduce the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer. Opportunity, and these diseases can reduce the fecundity of women or completely eliminate women's reproductive ability. Oral contraceptives are reversible contraceptives. After discontinuation, women’s fertility can be restored. The restoration of fertility has nothing to do with the time taken for oral contraceptives.

Myth 6: After taking oral contraceptives can cause weight gain, acne and other side effects?

In the past, oral contraceptives had progestogens (such as norethindrone, levorotine 18, etc.) that had endogenous androgen-like effects. After taking these oral contraceptive pills for a long time, the body will become obese, and acne (acne) will appear. Androgen-like side effects. Modern oral contraceptives such as Marvelon contain highly selective progestogens with little affinity for androgen receptors. Therefore, after taking modern oral contraceptives, common androgen-related side effects such as weight gain, hirsutism, seborrheic dermatitis, and acne are not common. According to clinical data, hemorrhoids disappeared in 80% of women with hemorrhoids 6 months after taking Marvelon. Estrogen in oral contraceptives may cause nausea, headache and breast tenderness in some women. Of course, the dose of hormones is lower and the incidence is lower. Modern oral contraceptives (eg, Marvelon) have a low dose of estrogen (only 30 micrograms) and the incidence of side effects is about 2-8%. After 6 months, the overall incidence is usually lower than before.

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