Two people should not eat more dates

Jujube contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements and sugar, and its vitamin C content far exceeds apples and other fruits. Although jujube is a model of food and medicine homology, it is not suitable for everyone, and some people should not eat jujube.

The person who has wet and dampness has the following symptoms: he is very coughful, and he often feels fullness in his chest, and is easily tired. His stomach is often full and his appetite is weak. After eating more jujube, the original symptoms are easily aggravated, resulting in cold, hot thirst, bloating and other adverse reactions. Because jujube smells sweet, pungent, hot, hot and humid, it is prone to phlegm and dampness.

Children and children have weaker spleen and stomach function, sticky jujube, not easy to digest, eat more food, affect children's appetite and digestive function. And excessive jujube sugar, easily lead to dental caries. (Health Times / Wang Yu, Beijing Nanyuan Hospital)

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