After the snow is suitable to eat more black food

After the snow season comes, it is recommended to eat some black food. Studies in recent years have shown that black food is not only nutritious but also plays an important role in anti-aging and cancer prevention.

Food diversity is a basic principle for achieving a reasonable diet and balanced nutrition. In the daily diet life, food can be mixed with different types of food, and can also be matched with the color of the food. Due to the different composition of the food, the color is also different, and there are five colors such as black, red, green, yellow and white. There are a variety of black foods, including black beans, purple rice, black peanuts, black sesame, black millet, black fungus, mushrooms, seaweed and so on.


Black beans, a kind of soybean. Like other soybeans, black beans are rich in high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and B vitamins. Black beans are rich in phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Each 100 grams of soybean contains 571 milligrams of phosphorus, 367 milligrams of calcium, and 11 milligrams of iron. In addition, black beans also contain a variety of health-promoting ingredients such as saponins, isoflavones, phytosterols, and oligosaccharides. Black beans and their products are nutritious and have a variety of health benefits, especially for the elderly and cardiovascular patients. Soymilk has the same protein content as milk and is easily digested and absorbed. Its saturated fatty acid and carbohydrate content is lower than that of milk and it also contains no cholesterol. It is suitable for drinking in elderly people and cardiovascular disease patients. Black beans can be eaten in black bean curd, soy milk and bean sprouts.

Black sesame contains a lot of lipids and proteins, as well as vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, iron and other nutrients; black sesame lipids are mainly oleic acid, linoleic acid and lecithin. Black sesame seeds can be made into various delicious foods.

The black fungus has a special flavor and is a nutritious edible mushroom. Black fungus contains a variety of nutrients, containing 12 grams of protein per 100 grams of dry black fungus, fat 1.5 grams, 65.5 grams of carbohydrates, dietary fiber 30 grams, containing 247 milligrams of calcium, 757 milligrams of potassium, 97 milligrams of iron and 3.2 The mg of zinc also contains various vitamins such as carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin E. In addition, polysaccharides in black fungus have various physiological activities such as hypolipidemic, anti-thrombotic, anti-tumor and so on. Eat black fungus, can promote blood circulation, reduce and alleviate the formation of atherosclerosis, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The black fungus has a variety of practices, such as salad, fry with vegetables and meat, and soup.

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