How to eat fruit in winter? What fruit to eat

What kind of fruit is good for winter?

After winter, many people in the office and at home often feel dry skin, dizziness, drowsiness and reduced ability to respond. At this time, if you can eat fruit suitable for the season, it will make people feel comfortable. So what's good for winter?

1, Apple

There is a saying in foreign countries that says that one apple a day away from the doctor, Apple is rich in vitamins, organic acids, can supplement the nutrients lost due to colds. Chinese medicine points out that Apple has the effect of replenishing temperament, raising stomach yin, rejuvenating thirst, and moistening the lungs.

Eating more apples in the dry autumn not only can effectively relieve constipation and other symptoms, but also can effectively treat sore throat and other symptoms.


2, persimmon

The persimmon called "Fairy Fruit" can moisten the lungs and stop the cough, and it can calm down the phlegm. In particular, eating raw persimmons can help improve symptoms such as chronic cough, excessive cough, and bloody cough. As for the red and soft persimmon, it can relieve the discomfort of dry itchy, thirst, and heart trouble.

3, pear

Pear is the first choice in winter fruits, it contains malic acid, citric acid, glucose, fructose, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, pears have throat fluid, lungs and cough, nourish the stomach and other functions, most suitable for winter and spring Seasonal fever and internal heat of the patient. Pears with rich water content and sweet and crisp taste have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, stimulating the lungs, and relieving cough and phlegm. Regardless of raw food, stew or honey cream, dry cough, old age cough, child bronchitis can be effectively relieved.

4. Hawthorn

When the cold winter solstice comes, eat some delicious and nutritious hawthorn and let it help us regulate our body. It is a very good choice. Each hundred grams of hawthorn pulp contains 3.1 grams of dietary fiber. As the saying goes: "If you want to have longevity, you will always be in the intestines." Dietary fiber is the body's "intestinal scavenger", adequate dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and secretion of digestive glands, is conducive to intestinal digestion and waste excretion, promote the body's metabolism. Pectin has the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar and preventing gallstone formation.

5, banana

What kind of fruit is good for winter? Bananas are delicious, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and potassium, magnesium, sodium and other minerals, can effectively protect the health of skin and hair, and can prevent stroke and high blood pressure. At the same time, there are calming sleep, laxative, lungs and cough, heat detoxification, help digestion and nourishing effect, is also very effective in weight loss.

6, grapes

In winter, the woman's skin needs more moisture, and the grape has a good moisturizing effect. At the same time, its rich in vitamins and other nutrients can also delay aging of your skin. The grape is also rich in iron and has a high blood-supplementing effect, which can relieve cold and cold hands, back pain and anemia in winter.

The following points need to be noted when eating fruits in winter:

1, stomach acid people should not eat plums, hawthorn, lemons and other fruits containing more organic acid.

2. People with dry stools can eat more peaches, bananas, oranges, etc., because these fruits have a palliative effect. Persimmon contains a lot of persimmon, and eating more can increase constipation.

3, people with heart disease and edema should not eat water, watermelon, coconut and other fruits, so as not to increase the burden on the heart and increase edema.

4, people with diabetes should not only eat less sugar, but also eat less sugar, pears, apples, bananas and other fruits.

5, suffering from nephritis, hypertensive patients can not eat more bananas, because of banana cold, smooth, but high potassium content.

6, In addition, the aging of the internal organs of the elderly, resulting in weakened physiological functions, such as poor digestion, decreased bowel movements, gastric mucosal atrophy, excessive stomach acid, and often accompanied by a variety of diseases, so one should not eat a lot of fruit You can use the "eat less food" method of eating.

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