What gout patients eat good food

Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism, resulting in excess uric acid and its salts in the blood and tissues, causing painful swelling in the joints of the feet or hands. Gout is a hereditary disease that is often familial. Gout pain is intense, making people restless.

Hyperuricemia is a prelude to gout and a major cause of gout. About one in two patients with hyperuricemia develops gout. The study found that people who are obese and who eat too much purine food are prone to gout. Obese middle-aged men over the age of 40 are also prone to gout, especially those who do not love sports, eat more meat and protein, and have excess nutrients. Alcoholism, overeating, excessive fatigue, coldness, local trauma, etc. are all factors that induce gout.

While gout relies on drug therapy, nutritional treatment cannot be ignored. The purpose of nutrition therapy is to reduce the production of uric acid in the body by regulating the diet, promote the excretion of uric acid, prevent obesity, and control hyperuricemia.

Gout food

1, eat Gu Shen food. Chinese medicine believes that Gu Shen's food helps to excrete uric acid, which can be brewed with Jianwei Dihuang (Rehmannia, Hawthorn, Chinese yam, Alisma, Danpi, and Poria) formula and Jianshui for drinking on weekdays to collect the effect of nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney.

2, also suitable for eating qi and blood, Shujin active food. For example, you can use mulberry (one person's weight is five dollars) sugar syrup, but do not put eggs, you can add lotus seeds.

3, eat more potassium foods, such as bananas, broccoli, celery and so on. Potassium can reduce the precipitation of uric acid and help excrete uric acid. Ingest plenty of alkaline foods such as kelp, cabbage, celery, cucumber, apples, tomatoes, etc.

4, drink more water every day, more toilets, do not bear urine.

5, apple vinegar and honey

This is a Western traditional method of treatment and has been proven effective through a number of clinical tests. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, vitamins, minerals (phosphorus and potassium) and enzymes. The acidic composition of apple cider vinegar has a bactericidal effect, which helps eliminate toxins from joints, blood vessels and organs. Regular drinking can regulate blood pressure, blood circulation, cholesterol, and also help treat arthritis and gout. After a meal, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey into a half cup of warm water and mix thoroughly.

6. The therapeutic side of gout patients

Coix seed porridge: Take appropriate amount of Coix seed and white rice, the ratio of the two is about three to one, Coix seed first soaked in water for four or five hours, white rice soak for thirty minutes, then the two mix, add water to boil porridge together.

Winter melon soup: Take 300 grams of melon (not skin), red dates five or six, ginger a little. First use oil to saute the ginger, then add the wax gourd slices and red dates together into the pot, add water and the appropriate amount of seasonings to boil the soup.


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